fokck 發表於 2005-10-9 18:56

JUPAS 報讀 Medicine / Pharmacy 一問

JUPAS 報讀 Medicine / Pharmacy 一問

唔知在座有無板友曾經於 JUPAS 揀 Choice 果陣揀過
Medicine 或者 Pharmacy,而又出席過佢地既入學
Interview 呢?如有,可否講解下 Interview 既過程,
同埋入讀呢兩科其實班 Professor 要求 d 學生具備邊
d 條件同資格?


jubilant 發表於 2005-10-10 02:30

First of all you should have excellent CE and AL results.

I have been interviewed by the department of Pharmacy in 2003 (After SARS outbreak). The lowest requirement to get an interview is 24 marks in CE and AAB in AL. 'A's in CE and AL count the same. I have a friend with CE 25 marks and AAC in AL who had NOT been interviewed. So work hard. The question was the role of pharmacist in SARS outbreak. It was a group interview of 10 candidates and 5 professors/doctors.

The interview by the Medical Faculty for MBBS admission in CUHK asked for SARS. I can't remember the exact questions.
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