bananasims 發表於 2010-3-13 12:08

[AL ECON] Micro 問題

"Due to the rising rent, our shop has to increase the prices." Explain whether you agree with the above argument made by a shopkeeper who rents a shop in a well-known shopping mall in Causeway Bay.

我都唔係好清楚 rent 係指 anticipated income 定係租金…

我就假定咗 rent 係租金
如果個租金上升,條 AC curve 向上拉
個 shop 賺少咗 rent
不過因為 MC MR 不變,所以 P 同 Q 無變
所以 shop keeper 句 argument 係 invalid

另外,可唔可以話佢因為 price 變所以個 rent 變?
呢句我就諗咗好耐都諗唔到點樣 P 變令個租金變


[ 本帖最後由 bananasims 於 2010-3-13 12:10 編輯 ]

頭文字TRIDENT 發表於 2010-3-13 19:44

原帖由 bananasims 於 2010-3-13 12:08 發表

我都唔係好清楚 rent 係指 anticipated income 定係租金…

我就假定咗 rent 係租金
如果個租金上升,條 AC curve 向上拉
個 shop 賺少咗 rent
不過因為 MC MR 不變,所以 P 同 Q 無變
所以 shop keeper 句 argument 係 ...
Rent 係 economics sense 只係當 TR-TVC 的 Surplus
而 rental value 係 fc
一 make 左個 decision
就irrecoverable--->sunk cost
short run 唔睇 fc
咁點解唔係有 give up 同 accept 個 new contract 的程況下而 give up?

bananasims 發表於 2010-3-14 09:50

原來係咁 :L 唔該晒

Suppose there are two types of factors of production namely, labour and land only, and all markets are price-taking. Assume that the quantity of land is fixed at 1 square km, and labour is variable.

Suppose the quantity of land increases to 2 square km, will the worker be better offor worse off?

因為所有 market 係 price taking,所以 factor market 都係 price taking >> 個 firm's faced supply 係打橫
而因為多咗一塊地,要請多啲人先至可以 fully utilize the resources,個 D = MRP curve 向右 shift
個 quantity of labour 就升,不過人工就無變
所以唔係 better off / worse off
returns of fixed factor 同 returns of labour 就大咗

頁: [1]
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