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Advertisement 香港交通資訊網»論壇 (A) Life 生活討論區 旅遊及相片分享/攝影技術討論 (A6) Chicago


hkskyline 發表於 2006-11-9 14:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


Chicago has been on my to-visit list for quite some time. I found a cheap airfare and decided to fly off for a break. I was very amazed at the city's focus on architecture, and the building inventory. My feet are still dead from so much walking!

1. Hello Chicago on a cloudy day!

3. A tropical paradise in Chicago

5. I was able to secure a special pass that allowed me free access to almost all of Chicago's key museums. Right after I dropped off my luggage, I dashed to the Field Museum for a detailed visit.

8. The waterfront area is very nicely done, and a great place for a stroll.

10. I didn't get much co-operation from the skies during my visit. I only got half a day of clear skies, and I was madly taking pictures that morning.

15. The water looks so serene.

17. I was a little too late to see the water flow through Buckingham Fountain.

19. Chicago has an amazing stock of historic skyscrapers. I did a lot of intense walking within the Loop to absorb the sights. Here are some modern and old buildings :

26. I've been up Sears Tower before, but the weather wasn't so great 6 years ago. This time, I planned to visit Sears in the morning and John Hancock in the afternoon.

32. Due to a special request from a fellow forumer, here is Trump UC.

33. Next door are some historic buildings .. what a contrast it will be!

35. The Magnificent Mile is well-manicured with gardens, shrubs, and flowers planted along a lot of the sidewalk edges. It's quite a beautiful sight and other cities can learn from this simple, yet effective, urban beautification technique.

41. Unfortunately, by the time I got to Hancock, the skies clouded over.
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