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Enviro400_Fake 發表於 2011-8-26 18:57 | 顯示全部樓層


No running lights

If no running light at the front, the old light cluster shall be used as the the London Stagecoach SN11 xxx series, the appearance would look better. Because First will not retro-fit the lights afterward and no point using it. This also applies to China assembled CTB E400 in HK too. Would this be the matter of Model year or client preference? Can anyone comment this point?
sutrak 發表於 2011-8-28 08:23 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 S3N92 於 2011-8-25 00:11 發表

呢批係low height版...得單邊樹檔..同埋係柴油而唔係同前一批同色車係混能(B5L)

咁就奇怪, 點解要用銀色呢?

見張相行66, 呢批車係唔係比平時low height 再矮D? 因為66會經過一D 只係得4.2米高o既橋, 而正常矮車身o既E400都4.36米咁上下, 應該過唔到.  如果唔係之前都唔會專登買批雙層B7LT行66

不過呢批車如果真係比66, 咁我諗批B7LT 都係時候退...
NV58 發表於 2011-8-28 19:49 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 sutrak 於 2011-8-28 00:23 發表

咁就奇怪, 點解要用銀色呢?

見張相行66, 呢批車係唔係比平時low height 再矮D? 因為66會經過一D 只係得4.2米高o既橋, 而正常矮車身o既E400都4.36米咁上下, 應該過唔到.  如果唔係之前都唔會專登買批雙層B7LT行66

I don't think the B7LTs will go anywhere soon. If anything, I think they will end up as backups to the E500s on the 44/44A. Persumably they can be used to convert the 75 as well, as it only see tri-axles on Sundays and bank holidays at the moment.

As for the livery, it's probably the right time for a refresh, considering the Barbie livery has been around for nearly 15 years. For those who don't know how the livery looks like on the B5s, this is an in service example in Leeds:
Tinyl Bus Photography - FB Group
sutrak 發表於 2011-8-29 00:15 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 NV58 於 2011-8-28 19:49 發表

I don't think the B7LTs will go anywhere soon. If anything, I think they will end up as backups to the E500s on the 44/44A. Persumably they can be used to convert the 75 as well, as it only see tri- ...

批B7LT 狀態已經好差, D司機可以o既話就唔要佢地. 我去o左幾日, weekdays 一架都冇出, 66 寧願出部PS B10M都唔出佢地, 係好彩星期六先見到有兩部出街清客......

不過我最有興趣係究竟呢批E400 係唔係特別矮? 如果唔係 66一早可以拎部矮B7TL 行, 唔駛一係出B7LT, 一係就出單層嘛..
NV58 發表於 2011-8-29 01:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 sutrak 於 2011-8-28 16:15 發表

批B7LT 狀態已經好差, D司機可以o既話就唔要佢地. 我去o左幾日, weekdays 一架都冇出, 66 寧願出部PS B10M都唔出佢地, 係好彩星期六先見到有兩部出街清客......

不過我最有興趣係究竟呢批E400 係唔係特別矮? 如果 ...

My understanding is the B7LTs have problems with their steering for a while - they simply refuse to make turns at times.

These E400s are indeed low-height, much like the Stagecoach ones, and you can clearly compare them against the standard-height London examples. The 66 is height-restricted by a low bridge, which is why you normally only see the B7LTs (being lower) and single deckers on the route.
Tinyl Bus Photography - FB Group
sutrak 發表於 2011-8-29 03:04 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 NV58 於 2011-8-29 01:00 發表

My understanding is the B7LTs have problems with their steering for a while - they simply refuse to make turns at times.

These E400s are indeed low-height, much like the Stagecoach ones, and you ca ...

I know there is a low bridge, and the height limit of that bridge is 4.2m only, that's why the only double decker First can use was the B7LT.

But the photo above shows that the E400 is running in route 66, if it has the same height as those in Stagecoach, which are 4.36m, how can the E400 pass that low bridge?
NV58 發表於 2011-8-29 03:28 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 sutrak 於 2011-8-28 19:04 發表

But the photo above shows that the E400 is running in route 66, if it has the same height as those in Stagecoach, which are 4.36m, how can the E400 pass that low bridge?

No. Vast majority of the Stagecoach provincial E400s (Tridents and Scanias), bar the Cambridge P&R ones, are the low-height version. I haven't got the number at the top of my had, but 4.36m has to be the height of the standard version (Dublin Bus' EV-class B9TL/E400, which are also built to standard height version, are 4.37m tall).
Tinyl Bus Photography - FB Group
sutrak 發表於 2011-8-29 07:54 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 NV58 於 2011-8-29 03:28 發表

No. Vast majority of the Stagecoach provincial E400s (Tridents and Scanias), bar the Cambridge P&R ones, are the low-height version. I haven't got the number at the top of my had, but 4.36m has to b ...

Sorry, that's my fault, after searching the photos, the new E400H for Newcastle Stagecoach is 4230mm height as shown in the driver cab, but the ADL badge shows 4320mm in the same vehicle.

That's why the new E400 low height for Glasgow can use on route 66, right?

Do you know the ALX400 B7TL using in Arriva Liverpool is full height or low height? They are 4340mm in my record but they looks quite low......
wrightap 發表於 2011-8-29 09:14 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 sutrak 於 2011-8-29 00:15 發表

批B7LT 狀態已經好差, D司機可以o既話就唔要佢地. 我去o左幾日, weekdays 一架都冇出, 66 寧願出部PS B10M都唔出佢地, 係好彩星期六先見到有兩部出街清客......

不過我最有興趣係究竟呢批E400 係唔係特別矮? 如果 ...

其實D B7LT近年都每況愈下,越出越少,出唔到就出單層...
NV58 發表於 2011-8-30 01:24 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 sutrak 於 2011-8-28 23:54 發表
That's why the new E400 low height for Glasgow can use on route 66, right?

I supposed so, otherwise you would have seen them deroofed!

原帖由 sutrak 於 2011-8-28 23:54 發表
Do you know the ALX400 B7TL using in Arriva Liverpool is full height or low height? They are 4340mm in my record but they looks quite low......

They are standard height. You can easily see the different when comparing them against the low height ones with Arriva Yorkshire:
Tinyl Bus Photography - FB Group
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