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Advertisement 香港交通資訊網»論壇 舊文庫 生活資訊舊文庫 校園生活及上班一族 IELTS 問題


da54 發表於 2005-1-14 04:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


小弟下個月就會去考 IELTS....

ksmbh 發表於 2005-1-14 07:59 | 顯示全部樓層
[ref=59222]da54[/ref]  在 2005-1-14 04:10 AM 發表:

小弟下個月就會去考 IELTS....


Listening, Grammer都唔難,
3238 發表於 2005-1-14 11:29 | 顯示全部樓層
英國文化協會有無IELTS past paper賣?
hksf 發表於 2005-1-14 15:22 | 顯示全部樓層


IDP 好似有,....
 樓主| da54 發表於 2005-1-14 22:19 | 顯示全部樓層
[ref=59443]hksf[/ref]  在 2005-1-14 15:22 發表:

IDP 好似有,....

IDP 是......?
hksf 發表於 2005-1-14 23:25 | 顯示全部樓層
[ref=59788]da54[/ref]  在 2005-1-14 22:19 發表:

IDP 是......?

Click here
Kennethwu 發表於 2005-1-16 20:52 | 顯示全部樓層


 樓主| da54 發表於 2005-1-17 01:07 | 顯示全部樓層
[ref=106547]Kennethwu[/ref]  在 2005-1-16 20:52 發表:


咁閣下 CE/AL 英文成績如何?
winston 發表於 2005-1-17 16:50 | 顯示全部樓層
I did IELTS exams which was my second attempt on 4 Dec at University of Southampton in the UK and I got 6.5 overall.
Listening- 7.0, Reading- 6.5, Writing- 6, Speaking- 6

Actually, I didn’t perform well on that day because I was nearly late for the start of the exams, I just finished 2 out of 3 in reading and I spent 50min on Task 2 in Writing therefore I couldn’t finish Task 1. Fortunately, Listening was very slow at last part and the examiner on Speaking gave me more time to finish, so I could speak more. Questions I had that time were about economy, tourism, unemployment, building, transportation and people ways to keep fit etc in HK. Also, I needed to describe a representative building in HK, so I chose IFC 2. (Remember every candidate will have different sets of topics in Speaking, but topics may reuse to other candidates)

The IELTS results will normally be published for no longer than 2 weeks. If you would like to retake it within the same academic year, you need to pay the exams fees (in my case, 88 pounds in the UK) but not allowed to retake it at any exams centre/ city/ country within 3 months.

Exercise Books I have been used are as follow:
Insight of IELTS – Cambridge (在今年香港書展時在商務攤位有中文版),我只用過英文版.
Focus on IELTS- Longman, written by Sue O’Connell (Textbook format with various topics)
Focus on academic skills- Longman, written by Terry Wilson
IELTS Testbuilder- Macmillan, written by Sam McCarter, Judith Ash
IELTS Prastice Tests
winston 發表於 2005-1-17 16:51 | 顯示全部樓層


Here are some IELTS exam structures and tips:
Listening- (30 min+10 min transfer time)
1.Read the questions carefully before hear the tape
2.Write no more than three words in any answer
3.Answer every question
4.Keep your answers simple
5.Check the grammar and spelling (especially s, ed, tenses!)

Reading- (1 hour, three text passages, 20 min per passage, no transfer time)
1.Write no more than three words in any answer
2.Answer every question.
3.Do not try to read every word of the whole text. You will never have time and questions do not demand it.

Writing- 1 hour; Task1- 20 min; Task2- 40 min. Start at Task 2.
Task1- 150 words, 20 min, describe a graph, and/ or a chart, table or diagram
Task2- 250 words, 40 min, an essay for an educated reader giving your opinions about a topic. This could be discussing arguments for or against a point of view, describe the causes and effects of a problem, or giving solutions.
This carries twice as many marks, so start with it and give it 40 minutes.
1.Spend at least 5 minutes making sure you understand the questions and planning your answer. Decide on your opinion and choose some examples to include in your essay.
2.Structure your essay carefully, it should have 4-5 paragraphs.
3.Remember your essay will be assessed on whether it has enough arguments, ideas and evidence.
4.Leave 5 minutes at the end to read through your answers quickly and correct any mistake and check it really does answer the question.
5. Use 'should, could, would, might' rather than 'will' in your opinion essay.

3 different essay types in Task 2, either:
Opinion essay- To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Cause and effect essay- a problem of the modern world is described, you are asked your opinion, and what the future effects will be.
Solution essays- where you are asked to give solutions to a problem

Speaking-. It is a conservation divided into 3 parts lasting 12-14 minutes with a person who is interested in you and your experience and he/she wants to help you to produce your best English.

Part 1 lasts 4-5 minutes and you are asked questions about familiar topics. It will start with simple questions like your name, country and subject etc. Once you appear to settle down, the questions will get a bit more demanding on an everyday topic often related to your interests and your city/ country. You may be asked the pros and cons of something, or make comparisons between an aspect of life in your city/country and somewhere else.

Part 2 which will be presented to you on a card, you will be asked to speak without any further prompting from the examiner for 1-2 minutes on the subject written on the card. You will have 1 minute to prepare and make some notes on a paper given to you. Make sure you totally understand the topic and all parts of the task. If not, try to ask the examiner to change the topic if possible before you start preparing.

Use the 1 minute well by noting key points clearly. When you start get straight to the point, don’t give an elaborate introduction or you may not have time to cover all parts of the task, 2 minutes is not long to describe it all in detail, so everything you say must be relevant. The examiner will signal the end of this part with 2 or 3 brief questions. Don’t answer them in great detail, just answer yes or no and give a quick reason.

Part 3 takes 4-5 minutes and is when you will be asked to give your opinions on subjects related to what you spoke about in part 2. You will be invited to discuss issues of the modern world like in Writing Task 2 and speculate about future possibilities and your attitude to various outcomes. This is your chance to show off yourself.

Anyway, keep talking, answer questions in detail, avoid short answers which stop the conservation. The examiner does not want to have to keep trying to get you to talk.

Good Luck!

[ Last edited by winston on 2005-1-17 at 18:20 ]
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