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FBI2 發表於 2010-8-10 14:42 | 顯示全部樓層


回復 30# 的帖子

屎巴特色: 亂PLAN線,燒銀紙,趕乘客,保冗員,乞政府,屈特工
HB00610 發表於 2010-8-10 18:22 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 FBI2 於 2010-8-10 14:42 發表 $ Y- M3 o0 Q6 p! ~' _. s1 R
建議師兄另開新文討論此事,以反映站長對本板管理存在一點糢糊,令搗亂分子有機可乘!並要求廢除站長有權把乞丐級板友評分置零的條例,日後若有板友被扣至乞丐級,除非出現評分不合理而由評分專員調查和調整評分外,有關板友請另 ...
- M# n% T' F+ Z# s, x6 \( A
$ Y7 u9 Y& @) `, R! G; U; X/ x
板規講明, 每人只可以有一個id(我希望你唔好用admin account去同我講, 係兩個問題)。! |6 N# W" \7 U  l8 |: W4 h$ l

3 X4 F: \% g2 r- t# t5 D不停開新id更加係不負責任的行為。
FBI2 發表於 2010-8-10 18:54 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 32# 的帖子

屎巴特色: 亂PLAN線,燒銀紙,趕乘客,保冗員,乞政府,屈特工
admin15 發表於 2010-8-15 03:00 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 3asv6 於 2010-8-10 14:16 發表
4 L) o( N8 c% r* t
: |: v/ T- `3 w% K1 U( N5 a. e% u" D0 m( F: C0 T6 F- {
最好連貼相都無得加分,篇篇文你貼幾多相都係得# k9 e: U/ q! S
一分.日後有人洗版式回文定用洗版式開新文先算, B1 i- ^4 z# X5 a; [+ R5 x) j6 \

4 U; V0 P- y9 p! k' t# ], u0 N3 V! ]& |# o
Noted. I have asked for this reward scheme to be taken out as well. Posting pictures without saying anything is, in my opinion, next to pointless for the english forum in the first place.
# u) F" _/ x! n8 B/ T9 D  f# s& T
I will monitor the situation in the coming 2 weeks, if it carries on, I may recommend to the admins that forum E1 should be withdrawn.* l( P5 |) l, {7 x
0 a; |5 W+ S; V" J/ b

( @1 Q8 R! J: g* W+ m( E" D$ C3 wModerator E1 - admin15
edhong 發表於 2010-8-15 09:45 | 顯示全部樓層
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
admin15 發表於 2010-8-15 18:31 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 edhong 於 2010-8-15 09:45 發表 9 z9 S: r+ ?7 N, b
I don't think terminate the board is the best way to avoid this situation. However I would suggest that if someone want to post photos, it should have at least 20-30 words description.
  ~! y1 ?4 z4 M# x% U
+ \/ @2 i' Z2 {5 t5 ZMoreover, rewa ...

0 v7 g0 P3 V( ~1 o, t3 d7 V" r3 b7 }9 p5 a" z8 b
It's only a bit of my sponteneous brainwave, to be fair. That said, I agree with you about getting people to, at minimum effort, to describe what they are posting. I will escalate this up to see if the admins can set up anything in the system to enable it. However, I can already foresee a loophole, which is when people start to put links onto the post, it will defend such a set up.
" B/ z1 O* }% x  D8 G. e% l+ Q6 J8 S! z( J* K3 J' m8 v4 o
As for B5, I'm less keen on a reward schemes for getting people to reply because 1. I don't want people to post for the sake of getting points; 2. it will only attract crap posts/replies much like B2/3 these days and 3. if people wants to reply, they should do it in their own initiatives. At any rate, there is an audience who are reading E5 anyway, so I don't really see an issue there.
: p; h  ~1 L5 R4 C) W3 A) Q5 ^, g
3 b9 s* U9 e6 k/ c' U3 n% ~7 t5 R8 cLet me have a think, I will serious consider putting forward your recommendation for E1.
AVD1 發表於 2010-8-18 19:20 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 Gary_B 於 2010-8-8 16:15 發表
+ {9 z; z* `( M; ~% H9 aE1 版之運作一直都有問題
4 N( X8 E1 M+ Z: y一早已跟原意違背

6 X2 C( n6 h0 o1 X; n同意, 根本上而家同 B3 板冇咩分別" x: a/ H% P3 ~/ p1 k' H: L3 {
有時我自己認為仲袞過 B3 ~ : S1 [; L7 H- m5 a
" E, N: W" J- W' w/ e' I& m
以 e 兩日所見,
4 o* ?5 ]- D9 z" Y( A( f: }6 {某位會員已經連續開左五篇新文
( F. c, c+ v+ V2 o. k& z( W4 Q文中只有一張相咁大把 (加一句 Thx for reading)
LJ7006 = MF5119 = AVD1
edhong 發表於 2010-8-21 23:54 | 顯示全部樓層
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
cky 發表於 2010-8-22 00:09 | 顯示全部樓層
May be last time I used Chinese and admin15 didn't notice that
" L. R# G' g* f; a7 W  THere's the thread i raised out three months ago:+ U3 t9 d; G5 Q* {& B  v  s8 T ... 8044&extra=page%3D1
% x7 t1 q, _# Uand there were no actions at that moment+ b' t" N, H( s4 L5 J9 O3 y! c
3 [8 o1 E/ u) q
It is pleased to know that no more bonus i-power will be given since MAN24.350's misbehaviour, 1 E4 X$ f) h$ w0 q  j" r" ^1 [8 j" H2 C
While E1=B3 is still the problem which do not initiate a healthy discussion and violate the meaning of establishing E1
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