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 樓主| blueblue 發表於 2006-5-10 09:08 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 art0925 於 2006-5-9 12:35 發表
I'm wondering, is grammar really that important in English in HK, as I thought understanding of the material is more important, frankly, alot of English speaking doesn't put heavy emphesis on gramm ...

In HK, the case is totally different, starting from primary education, most English teachers focus on teaching Grammer. In school exams and even HKCEE, even you give an answer which can be generally understandable but your grammer is incorrect, marks must be deducted. I appreciate US's teaching style. However, it doesn't happen in HK.
 樓主| blueblue 發表於 2006-5-10 09:16 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 fungch 於 2006-5-9 13:14 發表

英文Grammar 及Usage 正確與否, 同網頁有無權威... 應該唔關事架喎
考評局出題果陣, 都會check 清楚無grammer 錯先出街ga la~

我唔明點解你係都要話係出版媒體, 教育有關或者權威先設得題喎
如果d 英文用得岩, quote 人地既xanga 又有咩問題~?

同埋... 而家考英文能力, 如果下下用d 好官方既英文
到時學生只係識睇報紙英文, 而其他人既英文就唔識睇  

As I mentioned in previous thread, English teachers in HK focus on Grammer more. Also, marks will be deducted if the Grammer of your answer is incorrect in HKCEE, HKALE and other school internal exams.

Besides, if the candidates work in professional fields in the future, they must show their ability in drafting a letter with correct Grammer. So grammer is more important in WRITTEN English. Therefore in public exam, they should quote passages from the press and authorised institutions.

The "Daily-Life" English you mentioned can be tested in HKCEE English Oral Exam. I think grammatical mistakes in ORAL English is acceptable.
art0925 發表於 2006-5-11 16:42 | 顯示全部樓層
That's why I can never understand how student can understand sentence structure but never understand the meaning of the material, i guess I can put it this way, US english class, since elementary school= learning how to speak English, middle school= some fundermental grammar, but more focus on young adult fictions (sort of like American lit.) High School= Traditional American/ English lit. (all 4 years).  That is why I read most of Shakesphere's work before Senior, and also, some other stuff like Catcher and the Rye and the Great Gastby.  But I still like the Dante inferno...

BTW: an HK student today was yelled by a professor at my class today because he said that the grammer of the professor is wrong....(the professor said: " So what, no one's grammer is perfect", but the student told him that if your grammar is not should teach english writing wor (business writing class...).  Apparently, that's what his HK teacher said wor!!!, and last I heard that he was withdrawn from the class.

原帖由 blueblue 於 2006-5-10 09:16 發表

As I mentioned in previous thread, English teachers in HK focus on Grammer more. Also, marks will be deducted if the Grammer of your answer is incorrect in HKCEE, HKALE and other school interna ...
art0925 發表於 2006-5-11 16:51 | 顯示全部樓層


BTW, in the professional field in HK you mension at your post, is there any editor(s) that smoothern the gramatical errors of memos/ or documents.  I know in my office, there's one person who does that for press release, but not for other stuff, including letters to customer...and frankly, no one in US really cares if you have bad grammar or people always joke around "English majors are the one that get stuck on the grammar stuff, the rest of us, we rather get the stuff done and out of the office by 5pm".  However, I do think I should get some training on grammar, but too bad, there are no such courses in US for us we are prohibite to join ESL programs if we came before 10th grade....

原帖由 blueblue 於 2006-5-10 09:16 發表

As I mentioned in previous thread, English teachers in HK focus on Grammer more. Also, marks will be deducted if the Grammer of your answer is incorrect in HKCEE, HKALE and other school interna ...
dongfeng 發表於 2006-5-11 22:33 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 3av188 於 2006-5-9 22:01 發表


에이핑크 대박!
edhong 發表於 2006-5-12 01:20 | 顯示全部樓層
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edhong 發表於 2006-5-12 01:28 | 顯示全部樓層


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art0925 發表於 2006-5-12 03:51 | 顯示全部樓層
Same too, just like we American sometimes use slang that some other doesn't understand.

原帖由 edhong 於 2006-5-12 01:20 發表

I am working in US companies near 6 year and write English emails each day. Most of them don't mind my poor grammer / english. of course they still understand what am I wanted to say.

Mostly ...
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