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art0925 發表於 2006-12-26 17:13 | 顯示全部樓層


Can't you make a complain to the department, as I remember in my college, other dept. TA's or Professor cannot crossover to teach, also, we have quartly evulation done by students/ fellow TAs and professors.  Therefore, we really have to prepare for the courses, as I help teach a course on Chinese/ Asian American culture and History class, I prepare almost 2-6 hr per days
in order to not upset my students and help them learn..

原帖由 fw1321 於 2006-12-9 16:17 發表

英文好有助大家理解我都會認同, 但係我覺得最重要o既係佢地
有冇 heart 教書。今個 sem 我 take 其中一個 course, 因為某 d
理由果個 instructor 由第二個 department 抽調過o黎, 由第二課
開始教, 不過 ...
art0925 發表於 2006-12-26 17:18 | 顯示全部樓層
I remember when my mom and Dad are in HKU and NUS in the 70's there's rarly any Chinese speaking professor, and both the students and professors are much better quality then those nowaday..(NUS, however, still keep the high standard...)  Maybe they have to recuit more non Chinese speaking professor to teach some courses (in order to force student to adapt to the english environment, otherwise, I am really concern on how they can survive in Grad schools..)

原帖由 FBI2 於 2006-12-10 08:58 發表

我在理工時,YEAR 1和2已經充分見識過港式英文和內地式英文.
人.當我去芬蘭作交換生時 ...
art0925 發表於 2006-12-26 17:20 | 顯示全部樓層
haha, maybe grammar is an issue in HK, but not really in US, especially in non-language dept.  I have seens professors all my college career that has bad grammar power point/ notes, and even research paper, but they can still get over it with no problem and get them published...not sure about Canada and UK, but seems that it's a non-issue here.

原帖由 053h4 於 2006-12-12 22:56 發表

做tutor, 要做研交paper, 都有好大壓力
而且針無兩頭利, 語文能較弱可理解

不過, 個人認為, 講英文唔好可原諒
不過, powerpoint 點都唔可以錯文法
因為present有時間準備, 也可以找個朋 ...
art0925 發表於 2006-12-26 17:25 | 顯示全部樓層


It depends, like the class I help teach with another professor (I'm a TA) the passing rate is about 70%, because most people thought the professor is easy (he's an easy 4.0 in other classes) but in mine, I value high on presentation and paper 85% of grade in them, and 10% in exams and 5% in participations... (I can't believe some HK/ American students cannot give me a 50-100 page paper in 3 weeks.....and it's not hard to do a 15-20 min presentation without notes...if nost students can do it, I don't know why some can't...and I don't have a late policy, it's either turn in or 0%)

原帖由 053h4 於 2006-12-12 23:04 發表

大學考試, 讀過下書, 上過下堂, 都好難唔合格罷

個人覺得, pastpaper 的作用是熟習形式
而且, 以個人經驗, 除了個別學科, 通常教幾年都會轉左人... ...
053h4 發表於 2006-12-27 00:20 | 顯示全部樓層
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art0925 發表於 2006-12-27 19:48 | 顯示全部樓層
but for a 400 level class, this is not unreasonable to ask for, if even some China student with worst English then most HK/ Taiwanese, or American student can finish it and do a reasonable job in it, then I don't see why others cannot accomplish the remember most 400 level class require a pre-requiest in a 300 level, and I don't see the 300 level instructurs not preparing them to meet the challenge.  Of course, I don't mind student doesn't have good English background.  If they put their heart in it, do a good paper, with good sources, I don't see why they cannot get a 4.0 paper, but if I know they have been slacking off (sorry, but alot of HK/ Taiwanses and some ABC feels that they can only come to the class at exam or paper/ presentation day...they even if they give me a book....if I don't see quality in it, I throw it away and give them a F....btw, maybe HK College doesn't need to write too much essay (in fact, I had teach one quater in HKU, and those student at First year thinks I'm "Chee Seen" for giving them a five page paper....) but in here, we write 2 pagers in High school freshman...and at least 5 page in senior of high fact my capstone paper at senior year of my undergrad is 635 page long.... and normally Seniors have to be able to write something in a range of 20-100 page...

BTW: I help teach communication and history (focus on Asian American/ Chinese American history), and at the syllibus, me and my professor have alreay warn that if they cannot meet the challenges that postes in this class, they can withdraw within the dropping period...but they just don't care....

Also a quater is 9 weeks, and I didn't say that they have to do their research 3 weeks before, infact, I did tell them to do the research in the second class, and then I give them the deadline 3 weeks before it's due for write up (which most TA/ Professor will do that, and it's really not hard to finish a 100 pager if you do 10 pages a day....if you do the research in 3 weeks...all I can say is..Good Luck!!!!

btw, in the issue of notes, only freshman or ESL students will use notes to do a presentation, most people know that they cannot have notes in presentation...

If you cannot do that, how can you complete in the market (especially those who are in the research field or going on for Grad program...)

原帖由 053h4 於 2006-12-27 00:20 發表

但paper應是重質不重量罷, 當然, 本人不知閣下是什麼課題而無法下判斷
3 星期做份 50~100 pages PAPER, 無NOTES 做PRESENT

[ 本帖最後由 art0925 於 2006-12-27 19:52 編輯 ]
053h4 發表於 2006-12-27 23:33 | 顯示全部樓層


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art0925 發表於 2006-12-28 09:23 | 顯示全部樓層
Well, keep it simple and straight is good for business or Science, but for history and communication, too simple doesn't work lei....but serious, I do believe that the writing skills of alot of HK student has gone downhill, when my mom was in Uni, 50-100 is not hard for her as a year 1 student @ HKU. But I think that if they really want to go foreign for their education, they have to polish their writing skill first....

原帖由 053h4 於 2006-12-27 23:33 發表

本人見識少, 甚少在本人接觸工商\工程\社科學科要寫咁長report

而事實上, finding根本應是重點, 如何在最短的情況下完整地將重點表達出來
同時, 本人也不認為就個別題目寫幾百頁紙有什麼難度

不過,  ...
art0925 發表於 2006-12-28 09:31 | 顯示全部樓層
But the problem of Yr1 writing 5 pages is ridious. Than I think maybe their High School/ Secondary School are not up to par.  Cause at least in high school, writing 2 to 5 pages is not hard in an english research essay.  (at least my future wife did a 7 pagers @ her F6 year @ MCS without problem..)

原帖由 053h4 於 2006-12-27 23:33 發表

本人見識少, 甚少在本人接觸工商\工程\社科學科要寫咁長report

而事實上, finding根本應是重點, 如何在最短的情況下完整地將重點表達出來
同時, 本人也不認為就個別題目寫幾百頁紙有什麼難度

不過,  ...

[ 本帖最後由 art0925 於 2006-12-28 09:36 編輯 ]
053h4 發表於 2006-12-28 22:37 | 顯示全部樓層


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