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Advertisement 香港交通資訊網»論壇 (C) Transport 交通討論區 航空(C2) 有傳國泰將大手引入 16架 B773ER ...

有傳國泰將大手引入 16架 B773ER ...

wally 發表於 2005-11-28 00:54 | 顯示全部樓層


But CX is currently thinking of develop their new long-haul fleet basing on 1 jet type... So I dont think they would buy a conbination of B748/B777 as now everything are about minimise the operational cost...
billlmf 發表於 2005-11-28 11:38 | 顯示全部樓層
[ref=431083]Jak[/ref]  在 2005-11-28 00:48 發表:

748可以用黎飛 東京成田、台北 同 倫敦 等高客量路線

今次CX RFP既機種並無748,除非係中途變節喇~~
Cathay 888...clear to land rwy 26 Right
billlmf 發表於 2005-11-29 07:20 | 顯示全部樓層
[ref=429531]norrislaw[/ref]  在 2005-11-25 21:17 發表:

冇錯, 長榮而家都用 773ER 飛TPE- BKK- LHR, 所以CX用773ER 飛 CX254/6 取代載客量較少既 A340-300 係有可能的

買得 773ER的話, 4 engine 4 long haul 將會成為歷史

其實我覺得如果CX買773ER既話﹐LHR都OK﹐但我希望批773ER試下行Trans-Pacific航線﹐例如North America, Australia同埋New Zelands航線就正喇﹗﹗
Cathay 888...clear to land rwy 26 Right
lam926 發表於 2005-11-29 19:09 | 顯示全部樓層


[ref=431771]billlmf[/ref]  在 2005-11-29 07:20 AM 發表:

其實我覺得如果CX買773ER既話﹐LHR都OK﹐但我希望批773ER試下行Trans-Pacific航線﹐例如North America, Australia同埋New Zelands航線就正喇﹗﹗

如果佢行aus o既話我比貴d都搭
hkbw 發表於 2005-11-30 00:19 | 顯示全部樓層
[ref=431213]billlmf[/ref]  在 2005-11-28 11:38 發表:

今次CX RFP既機種並無748,除非係中途變節喇~~

no 748?!
..I hope next time CX will order some then, to replace 744...
wally 發表於 2005-11-30 00:54 | 顯示全部樓層
This is because CX need their jet by 2008 but B748 wont be in operation till 2009...
Also... This time, CX would be ordering B777/A340 to replace part of their B744/A343 and expension... They have also expressed that they will place further order in a later date... So whoever win would be a big winner this time... This would also suggest that CX future long-haul fleet will be basing on 1 jet family... either B777 or A340...
So there is a far less chance of B748 joining CX pax fleet but there is still a chance of CX cargo buying B748 for expension...
norrislaw 發表於 2005-11-30 10:30 | 顯示全部樓層


不久的將來, 會唔會有咁既可能性發生在CX身上呢:-

1. 今次的訂單購買B773ER取代現時CX的A343, REGIONAL 航班會繼續由 A330 負責

2. CX在再下一次的訂單買748代替現有的744及 A346

3. 若果BOEING真的想吸引CX買787, 會否跟上次跟新航出手的方法, 買了CX的A330去贏取787訂單??
billlmf 發表於 2005-11-30 10:53 | 顯示全部樓層
[ref=432433]norrislaw[/ref]  在 2005-11-30 10:30 發表:

不久的將來, 會唔會有咁既可能性發生在CX身上呢:-

1. 今次的訂單購買B773ER取代現時CX的A343, REGIONAL 航班會繼續由 A330 負責

2. CX在再下一次的訂單買748代替現有的744及 A346

3. 若果BOEING真的想吸引CX買787, 會否跟上次跟新航出手的方法, 買了CX的A330去贏取787訂單??

1- 據我所知﹐CX可能會購買773ER去取締部份744再加部份343 & 所有346﹐至於Regional仍然都會係用330同埋777(non- ER系列)去行走~~

2- 如果CX買748既話﹐可能就會取締晒所有744~~

3- 我就覺得無乜可能喇﹐除非高層有0甘既意願喇﹗﹗

Cathay 888...clear to land rwy 26 Right
norrislaw 發表於 2005-12-1 01:59 | 顯示全部樓層
[ref=432445]billlmf[/ref]  在 2005-11-30 10:53 AM 發表:

1- 據我所知﹐CX可能會購買773ER去取締部份744再加部份343 & 所有346﹐至於Regional仍然都會係用330同埋777(non- ER系列)去行走~~

2- 如果CX買748既話﹐可能就會取締晒所有744~~

3- 我就覺得無乜可 ...

This article saids CX has confirmed the order, but i am not really sure as CX has not announced yet
wally 發表於 2005-12-1 03:33 | 顯示全部樓層


This article only said that CX is close to announce the order and it is more likely of CX ordering B777 according the article... But there has been many occuation that airlines have had a surprise move as people would expect them to order from 1 firm but came out ordering from their competitor...
Also, the article suggested that there will be 2 more important ordering coming in before the end of the year... Which would be QF/SQ... QF sould be announcing their's before Christmas but what would SQ be ordering as they have only ordered a fleet of B773ER as a replacement for B744... What more huge order will they have???

[ Last edited by wally on 2005-12-1 at 03:35 ]
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