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Advertisement 香港交通資訊網»論壇 (A) Life 生活討論區 其他討論題目 (N) [新聞]陳易希親証 會考謹得12分

[新聞]陳易希親証 會考謹得12分

hkbw 發表於 2006-9-1 13:57 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 500 於 2006-9-1 00:43 發表
係有咁多high class野的環境學lanaguage都得唔到乜野的話,大家圍批佢係絕對冇問題的,even我都會參與其中。


最大問題係, 而家基本上係冇野證明到佢係掂.
就算你硬要計那個二等獎仔, 其他既野, 包括HKCEE及其他成績, 都係證明俾

計埋所謂不可量化的特性的話, 仲分分鐘衰過唔計....

到時如果僅僅畢到業, 又或要DELAY, 甚至畢唔到, 會唔會又講:
admin54 發表於 2006-9-2 00:08 | 顯示全部樓層

admin54 發表於 2006-9-3 00:47 | 顯示全部樓層

網  址:[新聞]陳易希親証 會考謹得12分 (tid: 130920)
分  板:N
違犯站規:站規第 16(e), 34(a), 39

理  由:上述站友於上文貼出「你唔煩我都覺得煩,
#54 (及其他回文) 的批評屬於不合理及態度惡劣的。本人

判  決:暫停貼文權 30 日
備  註:不適用

N 板代理板主
admin54 (da54)
art0925 發表於 2006-9-3 12:15 | 顯示全部樓層


Actually, I believe he has offers from some great schools from IVY league and Pac 10....(and actually this topic have also been discuss among my peers working at those schools...(admission), and guess what they said....if HKUST decided to revoke the decision, they (some schools) will definitly admit him...because  A) he is a "star" student that alot of people talked about in HK, B) he has a way different achievment story then other HK international student (this is ususally how gifted student are admitted in the uni system in US), C) He was admitted to the USC (i think....) summer program, which gave him some extra merit points...but the real reason for this....D) Is that if the school in US admit him, then it can show the world how outdated the HK education systerm is (because I can assure you, some of the U will do this kind of publicity to gain more internation student !!!!(more $$$ then locals ma...)) by "having" or should i say "using" him as an example (especially at those education workshop for foreign Uni in HK), some U's and some educational company believe that they can gain more customer this way..and alot of uni are planning to give him the same resources as other gifted students, such as extra tutor, translator, different classes, more one to one research oppertunity.   BTW, "gifted" student who doesn't speak english is nothing new, at UW, I heard of a few gifted are from China and doens't know a word of english when they arrive, but 2 of them are now at the Bio-Engineering master and the other one are at the EE program...therefore, Chan's english skills might not be an issue to some of the Uni in US, because they can have the resources to provide translation services, (similar to the special need student service, such as for those with writing disorder, Dyslexia, ADHD, etc...which I don't think Uni in HK have the same level of support as the Uni in US/ Can)

BTW, I can assure you that alot of time, the student that I've worked with from HK, know nothing about the place they study (seattle/ WA state), climate, culture, school, nth....and alot of them just blindly came least better then those who went to the deep south!!!.

原帖由 AA48@43A 於 2006-8-31 02:35 發表


不過我個point係如果陳生既知名道唔高既話, 回應人士既焦點肯定唔會咁人身攻擊.

忽然一諗, 如囷果陳生係英美大學收左既話, 可能係"為港爭光"都未定...

[ 本帖最後由 art0925 於 2006-9-3 12:22 編輯 ]
cky 發表於 2006-9-3 20:18 | 顯示全部樓層
點解都宜家仲有板友覺得咁慶, 好唔抵得陳同學入到大學咁?
好似硬要講到佢宜家 "搶" 學位咁
大學如果係用特別收生途徑, 最常都係晌原有學位外再加位而已

我咁睇, 陳易希宜家第一年要晌大學讀 D 先修課程先
好似語文咁, 先俾佢再銜接落正規課程中

將心俾心, 如果換轉你係陳易希本人
現實情況中, 有幾多人到時真係咁道學
"我都係唔要個 offer 喇, 我覺得自己語文程度唔夠, 無資格講大學住....."

另一方面, 陳易希唔係用背 formula 或者 lab steps,
又或者去補習社搵天王去拉高自己個 GRADE
而係用 try and error, 以及睇考試書以外的書去提升自己的科學知識及技術
呢 D 正正係大學教育需要既學生
呢幾年來, 大學教育已經淪為 AL 式讀書化
識得 D 晌大學做既 TUTOR 話
宜家有 D 大學生, 直頭拎本 textbook同份 assigment/mid exam 同佢拗/求分
佢感嘆呢 D 就真係讀死書的大學生例子

俾一個機會, 最後 prove 到佢可能真係未夠班
唔俾機會佢, 到最後原來真係浪費左一個人材
hkbw 發表於 2006-9-3 23:55 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 cky 於 2006-9-3 20:18 發表
另一方面, 陳易希唔係用背 formula 或者 lab steps,
又或者去補習社搵天王去拉高自己個 GRADE
而係用 try and error, 以及睇考試書以外的書去提升自己的科學知識及技術

呢一段野, 以小弟所知, 是十分值得懷疑的...
可靠消息就指, 功勞最大既係應該係學校內的一d老師及技術人員...
難為幕後有人因為咁, 工作量大增, 又冇得say no話唔做...

點解都宜家仲有板友覺得咁慶, 好唔抵得陳同學入到大學咁?
好似硬要講到佢宜家 "搶" 學位咁
大學如果係用特別收生途徑, 最常都係晌原有學位外再加位而已

我咁睇, 陳易希宜家第一年要晌大學讀 D 先修課程先
好似語文咁, 先俾佢再銜接落正規課程中

對於佢入大學呢, 小弟就冇野好講啦, 只係替d教授擔心...
論慶呢, 我諗教育界有好多人就真係好慶, 尤其係一d曾經教過佢既老師...

將心俾心, 如果換轉你係陳易希本人
現實情況中, 有幾多人到時真係咁道學
"我都係唔要個 offer 喇, 我覺得自己語文程度唔夠, 無資格講大學住....."

另一方面, 陳易希唔係用背 formula 或者 lab steps,
又或者去補習社搵天王去拉高自己個 GRADE
而係用 try and error, 以及睇考試書以外的書去提升自己的科學知識及技術
呢 D 正正係大學教育需要既學生
呢幾年來, 大學教育已經淪為 AL 式讀書化
識得 D 晌大學做既 TUTOR 話
宜家有 D 大學生, 直頭拎本 textbook同份 assigment/mid exam 同佢拗/求分
佢感嘆呢 D 就真係讀死書的大學生例子

俾一個機會, 最後 prove 到佢可能真係未夠班
唔俾機會佢, 到最後原來真係浪費左一個人材

今次之所以有咁大反應, 尤其係教育界, 據聞主要原因係覺得幕後有d人做得有點過份,
有點離譜...而最慘就係, 陳同學的成績又真係幾招人話柄, 更加突顯出有人做得過份...

小弟都識得好多中小學老師及教授, 甚至校長都有, 個個都感嘆現今香港的教育制度及政策,
好多時都玩死及做死佢地, 而佢地當中又有d同行, 為左一d原因而開始向補習界及明星界
"學習", 咁先大問題...

p.s 利益申報: 小弟並不需要在香港升讀大學

[ 本帖最後由 hkbw 於 2006-9-3 23:58 編輯 ]
hkbw 發表於 2006-9-4 00:00 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 art0925 於 2006-9-3 12:15 發表
Actually, I believe he has offers from some great schools from IVY league and Pac 10....(and actually this topic have also been discuss among my peers working at those schools...(admission), and gu ...

唔駛believe, 以小弟所知, 係確有其事...
只係朱校長出手及出面, 所以"搶"到佢返來...

教育界當中, 好多人都睇得出點解佢要咁做....
art0925 發表於 2006-9-4 00:39 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 cky 於 2006-9-3 20:18 發表
呢幾年來, 大學教育已經淪為 AL 式讀書化
識得 D 晌大學做既 TUTOR 話
宜家有 D 大學生, 直頭拎本 textbook同份 assigment/mid exam 同佢拗/求分
佢感嘆呢 D 就真係讀死書的大學生例子

俾一個機會, 最後 prove 到佢可能真係未夠班
唔俾機會佢, 到最後原來真係浪費左一個人材

This is exactly the problem we are facing with HK foreign student at my college....they seems to not understand the subject and how to think....and alot of time, they try to argue with professor for grade because they use the stuff in the text book to answer, what the professor actually want is their own answer, not solution for text...and some really straight professor would actually give them Zero for the assignment/ paper because it's actually coping, not original work....quoting textbook answer is not own's the writers don't learn this way....
art0925 發表於 2006-9-4 00:43 | 顯示全部樓層
haha, maybe this is the affect of "globalization", just kidding, actually this is because more and more people decided to go out of HK to seek education, that's why....and to name a few Uni that want to admit Mr. Chan....I know USC, Standford, is 2 of them....also, MIT on the east coast....

If Dr Chu cannot find ways to save Mr Chan in HK, than this will definitly be a joke to HK education system...because to him...and to a few people at the education department...losing him means showing that HK College system is not that "international" which seriously....i wonder how international it actually is...

原帖由 hkbw 於 2006-9-4 00:00 發表

唔駛believe, 以小弟所知, 係確有其事...
只係朱校長出手及出面, 所以"搶"到佢返來...

教育界當中, 好多人都睇得出點解佢要咁做....
hkbw 發表於 2006-9-4 07:18 | 顯示全部樓層


原帖由 art0925 於 2006-9-4 00:43 發表
haha, maybe this is the affect of "globalization", just kidding, actually this is because more and more people decided to go out of HK to seek education, that's why....and to name a few U ...

以下係江湖傳聞, 是真是假, 不得而知, 要靠大家分辨了.

如果你有留意UST近來既小動作, 就應該會知道有一個事實,
就係UST係想追上所謂的 "國際水平", 所以就成日都要 "揚名立萬".

有教育界人士指出, 是次事件就係一例, 但呢個例子有人認為稍為過份左D...

而且, 香港有好多人才, 又唔見其他同類型人才有類似待遇?
(呢個據小弟所知應該係有, 但相對於外國來講, 就真係少之又少)
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