

(B0)香港巴士車務及車廂設備 (B1)香港巴士廣告消息/廣告車行踪 (B2)香港巴士討論 [熱門] [精華] (B3)巴士攝影作品貼圖區 [熱門] [精華] (B3i)即拍即貼 -手機相&翻拍Mon相 (B4)兩岸三地巴士討論 [精華] (B5)外地巴士討論 [精華]


(B6)旅遊巴士及過境巴士 [精華] (B7)巴士特別所見 (B11)巴士精華區 (B22)巴士迷吹水區   (V)私家車,商用車,政府及特種車輛 [精華]
(A6)相片及短片分享/攝影技術 (A10)香港地方討論 [精華] (A11)消費著數及飲食資訊 (A16)建築物機電裝置及設備 (A19)問路專區 (N)其他討論題目  
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(R1)香港鐵路 [精華] (R2)香港電車 [精華] (R3)港外鐵路 [精華]   (O1)omsi討論區 (O2)omsi下載區 (O3)omsi教學及求助區
(M1)小型巴士綜合討論 (M2)小型巴士多媒體分享區 (M3)香港小型巴士字軌表        

Advertisement 香港交通資訊網»論壇 (B) Bus 巴士討論區 外地巴士討論 (B5)
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外地巴士討論 (B5) 今日: 0|主題: 10166|排名: 109 

版主: admin305, admin77


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[Others] 2024年4月 - 越南河內嘉林巴士數攝 Bus snapshot in Gia Lam, Hanoi, VN attach_img agree ac 2024-4-10 23:22 0689 ac 2024-4-10 23:22
[Others] Bus Snapshots in PITX, Manila, Philippine 2024 - 1 attach_img ac 2024-2-7 20:51 01176 ac 2024-2-7 20:51
[Others] 菲達沃機場附近巴士隨攝 Bus Snapshot near Davao Airport, Ph. 1/2024 -1 attach_img ac 2024-1-31 16:56 01213 ac 2024-1-31 16:56
[Others] 法國里昂、瑞士日內瓦巴士 cyc_yin 2023-9-20 20:50 21298 cyc_yin 2023-9-20 21:17
[Others] [2023/08] 首爾巴士隨攝 attach_img agree Fuk19805 2023-9-10 13:29 01913 Fuk19805 2023-9-10 13:29
[Others] Haugesund, Norway 的Scania開蓬巴士 attach_img 2023-8-23 14:18 01146 2023-8-23 14:18
[Others] Haugesund, Norway 的Scania三軸單層巴士 attach_img 2023-8-22 10:55 01236 2023-8-22 10:55
[Others] 挪威的比亞迪巴士 attach_img 2023-8-16 10:28 01791 2023-8-16 10:28
[Others] Mercedes buses in Island of Kos (Greece) attach_img 2023-8-15 16:10 21147 2023-8-15 16:11
[Others] 北韓發佈最新型無軌電車巴士 attach_img gm701816 2023-7-5 20:17 02081 gm701816 2023-7-5 20:17
[Others] 似係EE8847? ad63 2023-5-9 17:44 01727 ad63 2023-5-9 17:44
[Others] 香港冠忠巴士與沙地阿拉伯Hafil投資 leslie 2023-3-9 10:58 22884 ccatvb 2023-3-11 21:04
[Others] 曼谷雜攝 attach_img mak5052 2023-1-24 22:05 01943 mak5052 2023-1-24 22:05
[Others] Bigbus Paris attach_img 2023-1-9 12:46 11811 2023-1-9 12:47
[Others] 巴黎巴士隨攝 attach_img 2023-1-9 12:40 11795 2023-1-9 12:40
[Others] Ex Berlin MAN SD202 @ Lisbon attach_img 2023-1-5 11:52 11763 2023-1-5 11:53
[Others] 巴黎Disneyland外的掛接Citaro attach_img 2022-12-28 11:07 01773 2022-12-28 11:07
[Others] Brussels, Belgium (5 pics) attach_img 2022-9-16 15:57 11665 2022-9-16 15:57
[Others] 印度首部電動雙層巴士 EiV 22 揭幕 attach_img 2022-8-18 22:13 26285 051039 2022-8-19 10:39
[Others] 巴林 (Bahrain) 機場巴士 attach_img 2022-8-8 14:46 11746 2022-8-8 14:47
[Others] 馬來西亞日產Diesel JP251 attach_img LB9087 2022-8-6 23:22 01684 LB9087 2022-8-6 23:22
[Others] 馬來西亞的Dart仔 attach_img LB9087 2022-8-6 23:19 01597 LB9087 2022-8-6 23:19
[Others] 馬來西亞Maju海格KLQ6128G attach_img LB9087 2022-7-27 23:17 01826 LB9087 2022-7-27 23:17
[Others] 馬來西亞大宇 BH115 attach_img LB9087 2022-7-26 21:54 01635 LB9087 2022-7-26 21:54
[Others] 中東巴林的MAN城巿巴士 attach_img 2022-7-25 12:35 12041 2022-7-25 12:36
[Others] 係宣佈國家破產既斯里蘭卡既前陽光及愉景灣DBAY77 attach_img 89B 2022-7-8 00:00 12887 skp12328 2022-7-8 21:55
[Others] Budapest 無軌電車 attach_img 2022-6-8 23:20 01882 2022-6-8 23:20
[Others] AMS LL281 @ 非洲 attach_img ad63 2022-3-17 09:43 02619 ad63 2022-3-17 09:43
[Others] 在非洲坦尚尼亞的AMS... XD attach_img agree ad63 2022-3-6 08:30 02740 ad63 2022-3-6 08:30
[Others] 馬來西亞Causeway Link Benz attach_img LB9087 2022-3-4 16:54 01800 LB9087 2022-3-4 16:54
[Others] 馬來西亞Causeway Link MAN 18.130/18.250 attach_img LB9087 2022-3-4 16:53 01789 LB9087 2022-3-4 16:53
[Others] 馬來西亞Maju Higer attach_img LB9087 2022-3-4 16:52 01633 LB9087 2022-3-4 16:52
[Others] 馬來西亞殘Dart attach_img LB9087 2022-2-4 22:57 12433 EL8061 2022-2-7 11:09
[Others] 保加利亞巴士起火至少45死 E351 2021-11-24 11:25 12361 SN56AWP 2021-11-24 18:31
[Others] 馬來西亞殘舊Benz O405 attach_img LB9087 2021-11-14 22:15 01974 LB9087 2021-11-14 22:15
[Others] 馬來西亞的Benz CBC 1725 attach_img LB9087 2021-9-23 22:03 02045 LB9087 2021-9-23 22:03
[Others] 芬蘭設計同製造的Linkker 13LE電巴 attach_img 2021-8-6 10:10 02181 2021-8-6 10:10
[Others] 三輛Wright Streetdeck Hydrogen FCEV氫燃料巴士在都柏林投入服務 attach_img s20141095 2021-7-31 14:59 33008 cruisesnet 2021-7-31 23:54
[Others] BYD x ADL與愛爾蘭NTA簽署最多200輛純電動單層巴士的框架協議 s20141095 2021-7-19 21:32 01807 s20141095 2021-7-19 21:32
[Others] 葡萄牙CaetanoBus和豐田推出“聯合品牌” City Gold ZE系列 s20141095 2021-7-15 00:03 02751 s20141095 2021-7-15 00:03
[Others] 配當地車身的HINO旅遊巴? attach_img LB9087 2021-3-29 23:47 03036 LB9087 2021-3-29 23:47
[Others] 馬來西亞的殘舊Benz O405 attach_img LB9087 2021-3-29 23:38 02765 LB9087 2021-3-29 23:38
[Others] 杜拜的 MAN Lion's City DD A39 雙層巴士 attach_img 2021-3-16 15:22 03896 2021-3-16 15:22
[Others] 2020年英國成為第三大西歐電動巴士市場 s20141095 2021-2-23 19:24 03031 s20141095 2021-2-23 19:24
[Others] 馬來西亞殘舊Benz attach_img LB9087 2021-2-22 23:46 03363 LB9087 2021-2-22 23:46
[Others] 香港校車在非洲 attach_img ad63 2021-2-1 17:11 26971 PK9394 2021-2-14 22:42
[Others] [有片] 瑞士雙層老闆 Neoplan Centroliner + 聖加侖(St Gallen) 巴士 agree MP7697 2021-1-22 17:24 45268 MP7697 2021-1-23 23:37
[Others] [相+影片] 遠赴地中海小島尋找熟悉的利蘭 – 塞浦路斯 Part 2 agree MP7697 2021-1-9 11:26 04780 MP7697 2021-1-9 11:26
[Others] 泰國曼谷廊曼機場對開 2018 -1 attach_img agree ac 2020-12-5 22:09 03129 ac 2020-12-5 22:09
[Others] 泰國西北達府美索(Mae Sot/夜速)長途巴士總站 2018 attach_img agree ac 2020-12-4 19:54 03102 ac 2020-12-4 19:54
[Others] West countryside of Yangon, Myanmar - 2018 - 4 attach_img ac 2020-12-4 19:42 02569 ac 2020-12-4 19:42
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 24 attach_img ac 2020-12-4 15:54 02366 ac 2020-12-4 15:54
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 23 attach_img ac 2020-12-3 22:42 02885 ac 2020-12-3 22:42
[Others] West countryside of Yangon, Myanmar - 2018 - 3 attach_img agree ac 2020-12-1 20:58 02687 ac 2020-12-1 20:58
[Others] Ankai in Yangon Bus Service, Myanmar - 3 - July 2018 attach_img agree ac 2020-11-30 21:54 02999 ac 2020-11-30 21:54
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 22 attach_img ac 2020-11-30 21:36 02591 ac 2020-11-30 21:36
[Others] West countryside of Yangon, Myanmar - 2018 -2 attach_img ac 2020-11-30 21:27 02319 ac 2020-11-30 21:27
[Others] West countryside of Yangon, Myanmar - 2018 - 1 attach_img ac 2020-11-30 21:20 02338 ac 2020-11-30 21:20
[Others] 馬來西亞殘舊Benz attach_img LB9087 2020-11-2 22:53 02892 LB9087 2020-11-2 22:53
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 21 attach_img ac 2020-10-22 22:08 03008 ac 2020-10-22 22:08
[Others] 泰國曼谷507號BENZ O405 2018 attach_img ac 2020-10-17 10:14 03191 ac 2020-10-17 10:14
[Others] 韓國首爾7017號巴士2017 attach_img agree ac 2020-10-14 21:37 03210 ac 2020-10-14 21:37
[Others] 泰國曼谷137線日野 - 2018 attach_img ac 2020-10-9 22:10 02828 ac 2020-10-9 22:10
[Others] 泰國曼谷30路上的武漢揚子江 2017 attach_img ac 2020-9-23 22:33 13131 JZ3968 2020-9-26 10:55
[Others] Ankai in Yangon Bus Service, Myanmar - 2 - July 2018 attach_img ac 2020-9-17 22:35 03249 ac 2020-9-17 22:35
[Others] Ankai in Yangon Bus Service, Myanmar - 1 - July 2018 attach_img ac 2020-9-12 01:31 02789 ac 2020-9-12 01:31
[Others] 連馬拉都用大陸車 attach_img LB9087 2020-8-20 22:32 15118 英雄 2020-8-21 13:20
[Others] 泰國曼谷以南北欖鱷魚湖動物園巴總及旅巴數攝 - 2018年8月 attach_img ac 2020-4-22 10:42 05236 ac 2020-4-22 10:42
[Others] KK Star Coaches in Phnom Penh, Cambodia - August 2018 attach_img ac 2020-4-14 11:51 16039 ATR50 2020-4-14 22:15
[Others] Route 4 in Yangon Myanmar 緬甸仰光4路公共巴士 - JUL 2018 attach_img ac 2020-4-14 14:18 05087 ac 2020-4-14 14:18
[Others] [IRL]愛爾蘭都柏林巴士旗下嘅混能巴士 attach_img agree PV4394 2020-1-19 09:10 58088 PV4394 2020-4-7 22:21
[Others] 柬埔寨金邊06號線總站 - 2018 attach_img ac 2020-4-5 20:54 04791 ac 2020-4-5 20:54
[Others] 有冇國家未禁止外地二手巴士進口 E500facelift 2020-3-18 09:59 03951 E500facelift 2020-3-18 09:59
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 20 attach_img ac 2020-3-17 15:33 04920 ac 2020-3-17 15:33
[Others] 墨西哥城 E500 MMC attach_img digest lauda 2020-3-10 17:46 811124 291P 2020-3-17 12:15
[Others] 馬來西亞新山殘舊DM Dart仔 attach_img LB9087 2020-1-27 22:28 45093 ac 2020-2-23 22:05
[Others] 2018年12月尾泰國曼谷集道集汽車站隨攝 -1 attach_img ac 2020-2-19 15:12 03469 ac 2020-2-19 15:12
[Others] 退役Metrobus @ 馬六甲 attach_img agree m21 2019-12-24 16:15 15250 fp8329 2020-2-12 15:22
[Others] [菲律賓] 馬尼拉NAIA機場Terminal 1外巴士隨攝 201806 attach_img ac 2019-10-22 00:00 25198 fanling409cq 2020-1-30 05:31
[Others] 頭牌顯示777的巴士 attach_img agree LB9087 2020-1-27 22:20 13696 paul2357paul 2020-1-30 03:50
[Others] 星柔殘雞 attach_img LB9087 2020-1-29 22:11 03208 LB9087 2020-1-29 22:11
[Others] 大陸車在馬拉 attach_img LB9087 2020-1-29 22:00 03510 LB9087 2020-1-29 22:00
[Others] 成個屋仔咁款的男人 attach_img LB9087 2020-1-27 22:18 03247 LB9087 2020-1-27 22:18
[Others] 配不同車身HINO在馬拉 attach_img LB9087 2020-1-27 22:10 03120 LB9087 2020-1-27 22:10
[Others] 配雙層車身的BENZ attach_img LB9087 2020-1-27 22:00 03202 LB9087 2020-1-27 22:00
[Others] [芬蘭] Helsinki巴士雜攝(1) —— Scania篇 agree nokia_hk_fans 2020-1-25 18:13 03696 nokia_hk_fans 2020-1-25 18:13
[Others] [SP]屋企人影的巴士相,MAN. attach_img 3asv6 2019-11-17 06:34 24025 maytse 2020-1-10 11:01
[Others] 除夕夜的杜拜巴士 attach_img 2020-1-2 17:37 04081 2020-1-2 17:37
[Others] 曼谷化石級日系熱狗巴士 attach_img agree 89B 2019-12-7 20:22 14388 S3BL343@66 2019-12-7 23:03
[Others] Rapid Bus訂購90部富豪B8L取代舊單層巴士 Sino 2019-11-24 22:21 23884 mcwcow 2019-11-27 22:16
[Others] 20181230 泰國曼谷集道集-寮國及柬埔寨國際長途巴隨攝 attach_img ac 2019-11-19 13:27 03808 ac 2019-11-19 13:27
[Others] 20181230 泰國曼谷集道集長途巴及旅遊巴隨攝 attach_img ac 2019-11-19 08:40 03381 ac 2019-11-19 08:40
[Others] 20190101 泰國Don Mueang Airport廊曼機場停機坪穿梭巴士隨攝 attach_img ac 2019-11-19 08:34 03298 ac 2019-11-19 08:34
[Others] Optare Solo in Dubai attach_img abh 2019-11-12 21:25 03088 abh 2019-11-12 21:25
[Others] [Malaysia] Snapshot in Bus Terminal Serian(西連), Kuching, Sarawak 201712-1 attach_img ac 2019-11-5 19:25 04174 ac 2019-11-5 19:25
[Others] 三軸雙層Scania長途客車 attach_img agree fp8329 2019-11-5 17:34 13607 ac 2019-11-5 19:02
[Others] Rapid Penang attach_img fp8329 2019-11-5 17:20 03184 fp8329 2019-11-5 17:20
[Others] 馬來西亞砂勞越(Sarawak)古晉長途站隨攝Bus Station Kuching201712-1 attach_img agree ac 2019-11-4 23:21 03974 ac 2019-11-4 23:21
[Others] [菲律賓]馬尼拉架空鐵MRT Doroteo Jose站旁Avenida長途站隨攝201806 attach_img ac 2019-11-3 09:14 03812 ac 2019-11-3 09:14
[Others] [菲律賓] 馬尼拉架空輕鐵(LRT) EDSA站附近巴士隨攝 2018 - 2 attach_img ac 2019-11-3 08:20 03522 ac 2019-11-3 08:20
[Others] 菲律賓馬尼拉MRT LINE 3 North Avenue Station 旁巴士隨攝 201806 - 1 attach_img ac 2019-11-1 22:56 24025 ac 2019-11-2 09:15
[Others] 老撾旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Laos 2018 - Part 4 attach_img ac 2019-10-22 21:47 34479 ac 2019-10-27 19:40
[Others] [菲律賓] 馬尼拉架空輕鐵(LRT) EDSA站附近巴士隨攝 2018 - 1 attach_img ac 2019-10-22 22:28 03592 ac 2019-10-22 22:28
[Others] 老撾旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Laos 2018 - Part 3 attach_img ac 2019-10-21 23:29 02982 ac 2019-10-21 23:29
[Others] [柬埔寨Cambodia] Yutong city bus in Phnom Penh 金邊 201808 - 2 attach_img ac 2019-10-19 07:58 03854 ac 2019-10-19 07:58
[Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Cambodia 柬埔寨 2018 - Part 5 attach_img ac 2019-10-19 07:41 03329 ac 2019-10-19 07:41
[Others] 老撾旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Laos 2018 - Part 2 attach_img ac 2019-10-13 09:41 03049 ac 2019-10-13 09:41
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 19 attach_img ac 2019-10-13 09:26 03333 ac 2019-10-13 09:26
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 18 attach_img ac 2019-10-12 23:24 03003 ac 2019-10-12 23:24
[Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Cambodia 柬埔寨 2018 - Part 4 attach_img ac 2019-10-10 23:01 03196 ac 2019-10-10 23:01
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 17 attach_img ac 2019-10-10 22:51 03543 ac 2019-10-10 22:51
[Others] [泰國] 曼谷東部 Iam Sombat Market 附近公共交通隨攝 201904 - 2 attach_img ac 2019-10-6 18:13 02751 ac 2019-10-6 18:13
[Others] [Vienna, AT] Remise Transport Museum 巴士展品 S3BL100 2019-9-28 22:53 03044 S3BL100 2019-9-28 22:53
[Others] [DE] Technik Museum Speyer 巴士篇 S3BL100 2019-9-18 14:56 23650 S3BL100 2019-9-22 23:35
[Others] 第三世界的城市汽車 COASTER. attach_img ad63 2019-9-17 07:12 13914 fanling409cq 2019-9-19 06:17
[Others] [DE] 海德堡巴士隨攝 S3BL100 2019-9-18 01:14 13232 nwfb23 2019-9-18 18:20
[Others] [斯里蘭卡]無處不在既阿叔利蘭 attach_img 89B 2019-8-22 16:59 76523 EN1504-201 2019-9-13 12:31
[Others] 在曼谷重拾熱狗情懷 attach_img ME9661 2019-8-29 23:50 03692 ME9661 2019-8-29 23:50
[Others] 仰光巴士隨攝 attach_img 2019-8-28 14:35 03228 2019-8-28 14:35
[Others] 留落仰光的前日本巴士 attach_img 2019-8-28 14:22 14098 2019-8-28 14:23
[Others] 國光客運致贈予緬甸仰光的巴士 attach_img digest 2019-8-23 17:49 214289 89B 2019-8-28 06:53
[Others] [斯里蘭卡]前陽光巴士行走機場巴士 attach_img agree 89B 2019-8-8 00:51 512035 ad63 2019-8-20 07:35
[Others] [相+影片] 遠赴地中海小島尋找熟悉的利蘭 – 塞浦路斯 Part 1 agree MP7697 2019-8-9 21:42 04775 MP7697 2019-8-9 21:42
[Others] 用巴士行嘅電車路線 attach_img miklcct 2019-5-31 09:24 03454 miklcct 2019-5-31 09:24
[Others] 希臘小島 Zakynthos 上的巴士 attach_img 2019-5-24 23:09 03353 2019-5-24 23:09
[Others] [南韓]首爾巴士的電動海格巴士 attach_img leslie 2019-4-8 23:11 35353 hellomato 2019-5-15 10:13
[Others] [泰國] 第四十屆曼谷國際汽車展 - 現代及平治小巴 attach_img ac 2019-4-10 20:52 35002 basiling 2019-5-3 08:31
[Others] (南韓)釜山的雙層巴士二之二: Busan City Tour Jumbo bus leslie 2019-3-15 19:59 33890 fanling409cq 2019-5-3 04:25
[Others] 曼谷巴士 attach_img 英雄 2019-4-10 10:13 23950 英雄 2019-4-24 02:38
[Others] [泰國] 曼谷東部 Iam Sombat Market 附近公共交通隨攝 2019 - 1 attach_img ac 2019-4-17 00:08 03250 ac 2019-4-17 00:08
[Others] Photos of Hyundai Bus in Yangon Bus Service, Myanmar 2018 - 5 attach_img ac 2019-4-13 22:29 04453 ac 2019-4-13 22:29
[Others] [韓國]2017年4月中京畿道水原驛外路線公共巴士數攝 - 3 attach_img ac 2019-4-13 03:57 03306 ac 2019-4-13 03:57
[Others] [泰國] 第四十屆曼谷國際汽車展 - 巴士車身 attach_img ac 2019-4-9 22:23 13269 英雄 2019-4-10 00:10
[Others] [韓國]2017年4月中京畿道水原驛外路線公共巴士數攝 - 2 attach_img ac 2019-4-8 23:50 03118 ac 2019-4-8 23:50
[Others] (南韓)[可能係南韓國境最北的雙層巴士線]7300的大吉VOLVO leslie 2019-3-16 22:31 24688 leslie 2019-4-6 20:50
[Others] 孟加拉達卡 Ashok Leyland 雙層巴士撞橋 attach_img 2019-4-1 19:22 14545 fanling409cq 2019-4-6 02:54
[Others] 智利嘅巴士公司測試Wright Streetdeck雙層冷氣巴士 GW5498 2019-3-14 21:41 44686 GW5498 2019-3-23 11:16
[Others] 泰國清邁 RTC Chiangmai Smart Bus mak5052 2019-3-21 23:03 03315 mak5052 2019-3-21 23:03
[Others] (南韓)釜山的雙層巴士二之一: Busan City Tour (BUTI) attach_img leslie 2019-3-14 22:48 44181 fanling409cq 2019-3-20 05:11
[Others] [Leipzig, DE] Neoplan Centroliner 觀光巴士 agree S3BL100 2018-10-29 00:40 56390 HE7921 2019-3-17 21:06
[Others] [韓國] 2017年4月中世宗市BRT-990番隨攝 attach_img ac 2019-3-16 21:44 03280 ac 2019-3-16 21:44
[Others] (南韓)金浦巴士MAN LION'S CITY A22 NL313F CNG三門巴士 leslie 2019-3-13 23:05 13561 cruisesnet 2019-3-15 09:44
[Others] (南韓)大邱 E World Tower 83的AEC Routemaster RML2598 leslie 2019-3-13 18:36 02681 leslie 2019-3-13 18:36
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 15 attach_img ac 2019-3-2 12:19 44409 3asv6 2019-3-9 07:08
[Others] Snapshots in Bus & Truck Expo Bangkok Thailand 2018 - 2 attach_img ac 2019-3-8 19:20 02941 ac 2019-3-8 19:20
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 16 attach_img ac 2019-3-6 21:05 13469 89B 2019-3-8 08:56
[Others] Photos of Hyundai Bus in Yangon Bus Service, Myanmar 2018 - 4 attach_img ac 2019-3-4 18:44 04694 ac 2019-3-4 18:44
[Others] Photos of Hyundai Bus in Yangon Bus Service, Myanmar 2018 - 3 attach_img ac 2019-3-3 17:08 04907 ac 2019-3-3 17:08
[Others] [Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Cambodia 2018 - Part 3 attach_img ac 2019-2-20 03:36 02901 ac 2019-2-20 03:36
[Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Cambodia 2018 - Part 2 attach_img ac 2019-2-14 09:30 12849 英雄 2019-2-14 15:42
[Others] 緬甸旅遊巴隨攝 Coaches in Myanmar 2018 - Part 14 attach_img ac 2019-2-14 09:40 03699 ac 2019-2-14 09:40
[Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Cambodia 2018 - Part 1 attach_img ac 2019-2-12 09:38 03588 ac 2019-2-12 09:38
[Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 13 attach_img ac 2019-2-12 09:18 02833 ac 2019-2-12 09:18
[Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 12 attach_img ac 2019-2-11 16:57 03280 ac 2019-2-11 16:57
[Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 11 ac 2019-1-20 04:05 03531 ac 2019-1-20 04:05
[Others] [Thailand 泰國] Bus snapshots near Don Mueang Airport NOV 2018 - 1 ac 2019-1-19 20:10 03371 ac 2019-1-19 20:10
[Others] [Paris, FR] Neoplan 開頂觀光巴士 attach_img agree S3BL100 2018-10-20 14:44 45614 fanling409cq 2019-1-15 03:33
[Others] [Thailand 泰國] 2018 農曆年的曼谷 Mot Chit 2 巴士總站 ac 2019-1-9 20:57 03269 ac 2019-1-9 20:57
[Others] [Thailand 泰國] Snapshot around Mot Chit 2, Bangkok 曼谷 - DEC 2018 ac 2019-1-8 17:51 03377 ac 2019-1-8 17:51
[Others] [Thailand] 2018年最後日子在泰國曼谷 JJ Market 附近隨影 ac 2019-1-7 22:04 03320 ac 2019-1-7 22:04
[Others] NL363 廖文丞 2018-12-23 21:43 03149 廖文丞 2018-12-23 21:43
[Others] Volgren & Scania,最佳拍擋? attach_img 香港巴士2018 2018-12-7 17:42 54755 Gavin 2018-12-22 00:34
[Others] 波蘭巴士製造商奪得德國首款私營電巴訂單 Rotaina 2018-12-20 14:01 02790 Rotaina 2018-12-20 14:01
[Others] 巴塞隆牙的天然氣巴士 attach_img 香港巴士2018 2018-12-6 18:53 23678 EN1504-201 2018-12-7 22:56
[Others] 巴塞隆牙的掛接巴士 attach_img 香港巴士2018 2018-12-7 14:37 03943 香港巴士2018 2018-12-7 14:37
[Others] 巴塞隆牙的 Citaro attach_img 香港巴士2018 2018-12-5 12:53 03967 香港巴士2018 2018-12-5 12:53
[Others] Transport for Ireland attach_img 2018-12-3 18:01 03986 2018-12-3 18:01
[Others] [劣圖注意] 巴黎影車 attach_img agree 香港巴士2018 2018-12-2 15:11 03114 香港巴士2018 2018-12-2 15:11
[Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 10 agree ac 2018-11-30 21:38 03892 ac 2018-11-30 21:38
[Others] 愚問:新加坡/倫敦巴士管理模式比較 238X 2018-11-19 20:34 33704 238X 2018-11-22 13:17
[Others] [Malaysia] Bus photo snapshots near Lakin JB 新山拉慶附近隨攝 2018 -2 ac 2018-11-8 14:12 04486 ac 2018-11-8 14:12
[Others] Snapshots in Bus & Truck Expo Bangkok Thailand 2018 - 1 ac 2018-11-8 13:59 03181 ac 2018-11-8 13:59
[Others] Bus photos snapshot in Ramkhamhaeng Bangkok, Thailand 2018 - 2 ac 2018-11-7 21:10 03611 ac 2018-11-7 21:10
[Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 9 agree ac 2018-11-7 16:41 03570 ac 2018-11-7 16:41
[Others] 釜山的公共交通服務 qunow 2018-10-29 01:09 04047 qunow 2018-10-29 01:09
[Others] Berlin Recommendation 3N105 2018-10-29 01:01 02985 3N105 2018-10-29 01:01
[Others] [Hamburg, DE] 巴士隨攝 agree S3BL100 2018-10-23 18:26 02886 S3BL100 2018-10-23 18:26
[Others] [Paris, FR] MAN 單層巴士 S3BL100 2018-10-21 01:10 34222 nwfb23 2018-10-23 09:56
[Others] [Cambodia] Yutong city bus in Phnom Penh Cambodia 201808 - 1 ac 2018-8-16 09:49 14176 fanling409cq 2018-10-14 06:02
[Others] [Madrid, ES] 開頂 B5TL S3BL100 2018-10-14 05:08 03424 S3BL100 2018-10-14 05:08
[Others] 愛爾蘭都柏林 Cafe bus attach_img 2018-10-12 17:06 07109 2018-10-12 17:06
[Others] 愛爾蘭都柏林 Olympian attach_img 2018-10-9 10:57 24123 2018-10-12 16:49
[Others] Dublin Airport - Ferry bus attach_img 2018-10-9 11:20 03166 2018-10-9 11:20
[Others] 都柏林鬼巴士 attach_img 2018-10-9 10:56 03271 2018-10-9 10:56
[Others] 布拉格公交站牌 attach_img miklcct 2018-10-7 15:08 13533 sancouve 2018-10-7 16:10
[Others] Coaches in Laos 2018 - 1 ac 2018-8-21 14:38 13656 fanling409cq 2018-10-7 05:24
[Others] 原來利蘭還未停產巴士,仲喺印度發展!! 廖文丞 2018-9-1 20:24 97415 PV4394 2018-10-5 06:27
[Others] Photos of Hyundai Bus in Yangon Bus Service, Myanmar 2018 - 1 ac 2018-9-8 23:00 67445 K.C.R2007 2018-9-17 19:22
[Others] Photos of Hyundai Bus in Yangon Bus Service, Myanmar 2018 - 2 ac 2018-9-14 19:33 35279 89B 2018-9-17 06:08
[Others] [Malaysia] Bus photo snapshots near Lakin JB 新山拉慶附近隨攝 2018 -1 ac 2018-9-14 21:34 04231 ac 2018-9-14 21:34
[Others] Coaches photo snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 8 ac 2018-9-8 09:48 04143 ac 2018-9-8 09:48
[Others] 外地較積極宣傳巴士線巴士線概念圖及巴士線改道通告例子 paul2357paul 2018-9-5 21:01 03965 paul2357paul 2018-9-5 21:01
[Others] 縱觀世界各國,哪些類型既巴士路線編號較廣泛採用?  ...2 paul2357paul 2018-8-6 20:54 188755 ksmbh 2018-9-4 00:26
[Others] Coaches snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 7 ac 2018-9-2 13:31 03692 ac 2018-9-2 13:31
[Others] Bus photos snapshot in Ramkhamhaeng Bangkok, Thailand 2018 - 1 ac 2018-9-1 10:57 03023 ac 2018-9-1 10:57
[Others] Coaches snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 6 ac 2018-9-1 10:18 03737 ac 2018-9-1 10:18
[Others] Coaches snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 5 ac 2018-8-31 18:08 13078 3asv6 2018-9-1 07:28
[Others] [Iran][Tehran] [多圖29p] 伊朗巴士(一) agree BUSMAN伯輋雯 2018-8-24 21:06 06557 BUSMAN伯輋雯 2018-8-24 21:06
[Others] 台北桃園機埸-宜蘭旅巴[開辦消息] Alex7808 2018-8-24 09:06 13688 廖文丞 2018-8-24 10:55
[Others] Bus photo Snapsorts near Central World Bangkok Thailand 2018 - 1 ac 2018-8-20 18:29 24397 ac 2018-8-20 22:47
[Others] Bus photo Snapsorts near Royal Hotel Bangkok Thailand 2018 - 1 ac 2018-8-20 17:55 03466 ac 2018-8-20 17:55
[Others] Coaches snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 4 ac 2018-8-20 13:58 03317 ac 2018-8-20 13:58
[Others] [LAOS] Snapshot of Public Bus of Vientane Laos 2018 - 2 ac 2018-8-17 15:06 02395 ac 2018-8-17 15:06
[Others] Bus photo snapshots in Rangsit, Bangkok, Thailand 2018 - 1 ac 2018-8-17 00:10 03152 ac 2018-8-17 00:10
[Others] 在柬埔寨金邊拍攝二手現代公共巴暨被飛車搶劫圖記 ac 2018-8-16 18:59 03042 ac 2018-8-16 18:59
[Others] Snapshots of Mini bus in Yangon, Myanmar 2018 - 1 ac 2018-8-16 18:46 03391 ac 2018-8-16 18:46
[Others] 伊朗巴士/總站/站牌 (多相) attach_img 2018-8-15 12:19 04230 2018-8-15 12:19
[Others] 我終於見識到咩為之假特快啦 miklcct 2018-8-13 17:00 14178 dreamfok 2018-8-15 00:27
[Others] 伊朗山村Masuleh小型巴士隨攝 attach_img 2018-8-14 15:34 03439 2018-8-14 15:34
[Others] 莫斯科巴士隨攝 attach_img 2018-8-13 16:06 04600 2018-8-13 16:06
[Others] Bus and Coach photo about Mersing Malaysia 2018 - 1 ac 2018-8-2 00:44 04462 ac 2018-8-2 00:44
[Others] Coaches snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 3 ac 2018-8-2 00:32 03550 ac 2018-8-2 00:32
[Others] 在外國乘搭國際巴士,票面之時間表令我搭不到車!加Куршская Коса遊記 attach_img miklcct 2018-7-31 05:53 03165 miklcct 2018-7-31 05:53
[Others] [Bangkok] 勝利紀念碑雜攝 attach_img D43_Dennis 2018-7-31 00:18 03074 D43_Dennis 2018-7-31 00:18
[Others] Coaches snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 2 ac 2018-7-30 11:22 03519 ac 2018-7-30 11:22
[Others] 問世界上邊個國家或地區保存舊巴最有心有力 深圳比亚迪 2018-7-28 22:35 02522 深圳比亚迪 2018-7-28 22:35
[Others] Coaches snapshot in Myanmar 2018 - Part 1 ac 2018-7-27 15:11 02675 ac 2018-7-27 15:11
[Others] [Malaysia] Bus photo snapshots in Lakin JB 新山拉慶隨攝 2018 - 2 ac 2018-7-26 23:36 04333 ac 2018-7-26 23:36
[Others] [Malaysia] Bus photo snapshots in Lakin JB 新山拉慶隨攝 2018 - 1 ac 2018-7-26 16:37 14881 nokia_hk_fans 2018-7-26 17:30
[Others] 巴黎原裝開頂 Centroliner attach_img 2018-3-26 18:37 17030 廖文丞 2018-7-15 22:27
[Others] [匈牙利][行車片] 尋找前中巴MCW Metrobus之旅 + Budapest開頂雜攝 MP7697 2018-7-9 21:00 05121 MP7697 2018-7-9 21:00
[Others] [Greece] 希臘暴曬之旅 (2) - 雅典 attach_img agree JH_LE4612 2018-6-29 08:55 37064 JH_LE4612 2018-7-8 07:57
[Others] [Greece] 希臘暴曬之旅 (1) - 群島 (Crete, Santorini) attach_img agree JH_LE4612 2018-6-29 03:19 77738 MP7697 2018-7-7 00:49
[Others] 青年雙層 attach_img 廖文丞 2018-6-29 21:51 04133 廖文丞 2018-6-29 21:51
[Others] 借問唔該有冇提及分享過此兩款型號?? attach_img 廖文丞 2018-6-28 12:06 14305 GD5GD 2018-6-28 13:38
[Others] [PH] MCV with Benz chassis in Manlia Philippines ac 2018-6-22 00:20 02961 ac 2018-6-22 00:20
[Others] [LAOS] Snapshot of Public Bus of Vientane Laos 2018 - 1 agree ac 2018-4-15 01:33 79040 3asv6 2018-6-10 23:37
[Others] [JB] 尋找逾廿年車齡Benz (附不專業攻略) agree  ...2 nokia_hk_fans 2018-6-3 20:15 109704 wtjc 2018-6-9 00:38
[Others] Volvo發佈全新旅遊巴車系 GW5498 2018-5-30 21:31 57465 DGCNYO 2018-6-8 01:20
[Others] [泰國] BMTA試驗日韓巴士 S3BL343@66 2018-6-3 22:19 25178 S3BL343@66 2018-6-4 22:40
[Others] 盡列世界各國(中港台澳以外)針對某些活動既特別巴士線 attach_img paul2357paul 2018-5-12 20:17 54843 JH_LE4612 2018-5-18 04:25
[Others] 意大利羅馬街頭巴士自焚 hellomato 2018-5-9 15:01 02918 hellomato 2018-5-9 15:01
[Others] 墨西哥巴士(包括12.8米西瓜殼 E500 ) attach_img 89B 2018-5-9 06:17 04167 89B 2018-5-9 06:17
[Others] 南韓的RM attach_img 2018-5-5 10:12 17938 JZ3968 2018-5-6 15:20
[Others] 【北韓大車禍】外交部證36死 32中國人4北韓人翻車墮橋遇難 深圳比亚迪 2018-4-23 23:50 27362 DGCNYO 2018-5-1 21:55
[Others] 瑞士E500MMC attach_img  ...23 PK9394 2018-4-17 03:53 2420977 hkaiw 2018-4-28 21:20
[Others] [Thailand] 體驗泰國北部廊開至曼谷通宵巴士 2018 ac 2018-4-21 00:28 27639 ac 2018-4-24 01:26
[Others] Penang CAT - 免費巴士 attach_img 2018-4-18 15:28 35867 PKD32 2018-4-22 17:37
[Others] [Laos] 獨自慢步在萬象汽車站的第二個晚上 My 2st night in Laos agree ac 2018-4-13 01:14 59163 低地台AD 2018-4-18 01:01
[Others] [Laos] 我在老撾萬象的第一個晚上 My 1st night in Laos agree ac 2018-4-12 01:41 35996 ML29 2018-4-13 23:05
[Others] 馬耳他雙層開篷Trident撞樹 遊客2死50傷 2018-4-10 10:37 03065 2018-4-10 10:37
[Others] 新加坡,英國兩地平治Citaro attach_img  ...2 LB9087 2018-3-4 20:04 108336 qazwsaedx 2018-4-2 22:15
[Others] [France] London, Paris, Lille雜攝 - 巴士篇 attach_img agree JH_LE4612 2018-3-30 09:51 28167 JH_LE4612 2018-4-2 07:11
[Others] 布達佩斯Bigbus批前香港巴士無哂? attach_img 89B 2018-3-30 02:42 38016 頭文字TRIDENT 2018-3-31 04:29
[Others] 於巴黎服務的開頂Centroliner (6 pics) attach_img 2018-3-30 18:15 17584 2018-3-30 18:18
[Others] 北朝鮮平壤市無軌電車 attachment agree gm701816 2017-10-2 20:59 39801 gm701816 2018-3-18 03:19
[Others] 闖蕩愛爾蘭-都柏林特別篇(多相) attach_img agree  ...2 city_alexander 2018-3-11 21:53 1215377 EN1504-201 2018-3-15 03:28
[Others] [Thailand] Bus photo snapshots in Nakhon Pathom (佛統府) FEB 2018 ac 2018-3-8 01:11 03460 ac 2018-3-8 01:11
[Others] Neoplan centroliner在歐陸各地近況?? 廖文丞 2018-3-7 22:23 03800 廖文丞 2018-3-7 22:23
[Others] [首爾]問歐式及左駕蘭,VolvoB8及前香港雙層巴近況及拍攝地 blueblue 2018-3-3 23:17 37133 blueblue 2018-3-4 12:38
[Others] 首爾雙層Volvo B8R basiling 2017-4-22 11:25 38604 blueblue 2018-3-3 23:24
[Others] [即日]米蘭巴士 alan2011super3 2018-2-5 06:04 02938 alan2011super3 2018-2-5 06:04
[Others] 印尼用富豪B55? msdtk755 2018-1-29 20:51 711096 HE7921 2018-2-4 22:27
[Others] 韓國大宇9米爬山線 agree basiling 2018-1-12 16:03 26502 basiling 2018-2-2 09:04
[Others] [Thailand] Snapshots about Bus Operation Zone 5 of BMTA, Bangkok 2018 ac 2018-1-20 13:29 03944 ac 2018-1-20 13:29
[Others] [Thailand] Experience Suvarnabhumi airport bus route S1 in Bangkok 2017 ac 2018-1-20 05:48 03411 ac 2018-1-20 05:48
[Others] [Thailand] Snapshot around Bangkok Biggest Coaches Terminal (Mo Chit2) DEC 2017 agree ac 2018-1-14 13:00 02972 ac 2018-1-14 13:00
[Others] bangkok 遊車河 S3BL343@66 2018-1-7 23:16 25433 ac 2018-1-14 12:44
[Others] [Germany]轉貼,FLIXBUS撞橋,為何Neoplan會撞到開頂?  ...2 Benz 2017-12-27 01:19 1214347 S3N92 2018-1-3 19:20
[Others] Snapshots of Coaches in TBS, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia 2017 agree ac 2017-12-28 19:36 03952 ac 2017-12-28 19:36
[Others] 比利時Busworld Europe (Kortrijk) 2017車展 PKD32 2017-10-23 00:01 3616502 AlexanderOscar 2017-11-9 00:26
[Others] 北朝鮮羅先經濟特區的Daewoo Bus attach_img gm701816 2017-10-13 01:29 14079 SengQ 2017-10-18 07:32
[Others] 北朝鮮首都平壤巴士 attachment agree gm701816 2017-10-14 01:27 47432 ATENU1108 2017-10-16 22:54
[Others] 馬拉淘汰中國制單層 allen_814 2017-10-11 22:37 24901 nickk 2017-10-13 07:05
[Others] 直布羅陀巴士隨攝 attach_img 2017-9-30 11:36 14943 2017-9-30 11:38
[Others] 在馬來西亞的Volvo B9TL底盤 attach_img 2017-9-13 12:44 25600 NEO_962 2017-9-13 22:23
[Others] [UAE] 杜拜 Neoplan 雙層巴士 attach_img digest agree  ...2 SBS9827Z 2014-10-9 22:30 1626110 廖文丞 2017-9-13 21:24
[Others] 20步將巴士變做RV leeallen 2017-9-11 00:32 14266 PKD32 2017-9-12 15:40
[Others] 維也納奇遇 attach_img PC3444 2017-8-29 22:48 14150 265B 2017-9-6 22:33
[Others] 韓國首爾南部客運站數攝 2017 ac 2017-9-3 11:42 04145 ac 2017-9-3 11:42
[Others] 韓國東首爾客運站(江邊驛)外的路線巴士數攝 2017 ac 2017-9-3 02:03 03864 ac 2017-9-3 02:03
[Others] 韓國大田路線巴士數攝 2017 ac 2017-8-31 19:51 03988 ac 2017-8-31 19:51
[Others] 韓國首爾合井驛巴士數攝 2017 ac 2017-8-29 23:32 03761 ac 2017-8-29 23:32
[Others] 韓國釜山老圃客運站外數攝 2017 - Part 1 ac 2017-8-27 22:27 02939 ac 2017-8-27 22:27
[Others] 韓國釜山路線巴士數攝 2017 - Part 1 ac 2017-8-27 18:17 03174 ac 2017-8-27 18:17
[Others] [Norway] Norway in a nutshell — 巴士篇 attach_img fw1321 2017-8-23 04:20 14174 hellomato 2017-8-23 09:25
[Others] 含快速公路既巴士線派含企位既雙層巴士在世界上普遍嗎 paul2357paul 2017-8-16 20:49 93821 KY5393 2017-8-18 11:16
[Others] 韓國京畿道驪州市巴士總站隨攝 2017 ac 2017-8-13 15:52 03785 ac 2017-8-13 15:52
[Others] [South Korea] 韓國京畿道路線3102雙層MAN數攝 2017 ac 2017-8-6 20:30 36096 HV7025 2017-8-9 13:19
[Others] 把韓國看成英國來玩3/3 attach_img agree g544jacky 2017-8-2 17:45 311874 KJ9633@44m 2017-8-7 21:08
[Others] 馬來西亞吉隆坡GML車身BYD K9 BRT agree leslie 2017-8-1 13:00 04901 leslie 2017-8-1 13:00
[Others] 把韓國看成英國來玩2/3 attach_img agree g544jacky 2017-7-28 19:39 04028 g544jacky 2017-7-28 19:39
[Others] 把韓國看成英國來玩 1/3 attach_img g544jacky 2017-7-27 19:53 16032 ML29 2017-7-27 22:39
[Others] MAN推出新一代 Lion’s City attach_img 3803 2017-7-17 18:56 26274 darrelclever 2017-7-17 19:45
[Others] 南非 DENNIS JUBILANT attach_img agree US261-80K 2017-7-4 22:58 58032 2017-7-5 12:21
[Others] 墨西哥一批Enviro500 MMC facelift已經抵達當地碼頭 JackyLi@FB 2017-6-30 23:04 03159 JackyLi@FB 2017-6-30 23:04
[Others] 南韓訂購 52 部 MAN RR4 雙層巴士 da54 2017-6-30 10:08 14479 051039 2017-6-30 13:25
[Others] [南韓] 大田長途巴士站雜攝 attach_img barca_399 2017-6-18 22:23 02854 barca_399 2017-6-18 22:23
[Others] 韓國首爾高速巴士Terminal (고속버스터미널) 數攝 2017 - 1 ac 2017-6-7 23:33 03394 ac 2017-6-7 23:33
[Others] [韓國]首爾光化門及市廳附近之警察巴士 Police bus in Korea 2017 ac 2017-6-6 23:11 03851 ac 2017-6-6 23:11
[Others] 大陸賣二手巴士比緬甸仰光? attach_img Chi_Hang 2017-6-5 18:35 44391 S3BL343@66 2017-6-6 22:03
[Others] [南韓] 大田-江陵 attach_img agree barca_399 2017-6-6 00:24 02419 barca_399 2017-6-6 00:24
[Others] [韓國]2017年4月中京畿道水原驛外路線公共巴士數攝 - 1 agree ac 2017-6-3 23:20 03198 ac 2017-6-3 23:20
[Others] 柏林巴士相兩張 attach_img chan6723 2017-5-27 23:05 12776 weready0 2017-5-29 00:41
[Others] 瑞士PostAuto的13米ADL E500 attach_img agree 3803 2017-5-18 22:49 410770 art0925 2017-5-26 11:52
[Others] 我在北歐影腸的日子 (1) Helsinki, Tallin attach_img JH_LE4612 2017-5-18 05:54 02887 JH_LE4612 2017-5-18 05:54
[Others] 巴士公司多次換look世界上普遍嗎? paul2357paul 2017-5-5 21:01 63323 Hongkonger 2017-5-7 14:24
[Others] [錫蘭] 棍波 MCW Metrobus MK II attach_img agree LV1012 2017-5-2 20:32 89409 3asv6 2017-5-4 18:20
[Others] [Vladivostok, Russia] Man Lion's City attach_img agree volvo_chan 2017-5-1 21:18 76864 nwfb23 2017-5-3 00:44
[Others] 馬來西亞Rapid Bus加訂雙層巴士 agree SBS9827Z 2017-3-28 15:40 98286 PKD32 2017-5-1 18:20
[Others] 泰國曼谷廊曼機場新巴士路線 SPkent 2017-4-30 03:43 02435 SPkent 2017-4-30 03:43
[Others] 大韓民國忠清北道清州市內巴士隨攝 2017 -1 ac 2017-4-26 23:31 02728 ac 2017-4-26 23:31
[Others] 參展中的MAN Lion's City電動掛接巴士 (16 pics) attach_img 2017-4-25 23:48 02974 2017-4-25 23:48
[Others] 三門雙梯Enviro 500: 瑞士PostAuto attach_img busu 2017-4-25 22:10 19616 2017-4-25 22:49
[Others] 半自動駕駛環保巴士 Future BUS (連內籠相片共13張) attach_img 2017-4-25 22:42 03315 2017-4-25 22:42
[Others] 錫蘭巴士雜攝 agree IvAnEUFS 2017-3-21 20:42 68013 fanling409cq 2017-4-1 04:53
[Others] 777巴士路線 奶媽要去考察一下嗎? attach_img agree fp8329 2017-3-28 23:32 15798 SBS9827Z 2017-3-29 22:54
[Others] 印度阿叔利蘭去旺角 attach_img MK811 2017-3-27 21:18 215393 Chi_Hang 2017-3-28 09:12
[Others] [Vietnam] Ha Long Bay Bus 2015 越南下龍灣 ac 2017-3-12 15:55 03981 ac 2017-3-12 15:55
[Others] Thailand bus 2016_8 - 皇宮內英國雙層及外國其他 UK BUS & OTHERS 1 agree ac 2017-1-15 00:48 26311 ad63 2017-3-6 12:18
[Others] [Thailand] Bus Snapshots in Rangsit Bangkok 曼谷北蘭實數攝 2 ac 2017-2-12 11:49 02590 ac 2017-2-12 11:49
[Others] 巴黎市買中國車被批不愛國 Wongdailuk 2017-2-6 03:31 33293 rickywk 2017-2-7 10:16
[Others] [Cambodia] 柬埔寨二手台灣阿羅哈於泰國曼谷 Taiwan bus in Thailand ac 2017-2-5 13:07 16173 Chi_Hang 2017-2-5 21:28
[Others] [Thailand] 泰國龍仔厝府哈馬猜巴士數攝 Bus snaps in Samut Sakhon ac 2017-2-5 13:36 13158 ML29 2017-2-5 19:36
[Others] [側面繪圖] 開頂九巴蘭 - Big Bus Budapest MUE-Train 2017-2-4 16:01 02109 MUE-Train 2017-2-4 16:01
[Others] [Thailand] Bus Snapshots in Rangsit Bangkok 曼谷北蘭實數攝 1 ac 2017-2-4 11:49 02603 ac 2017-2-4 11:49
[Others] [Vietnam] Bus in Hạ Long Bay (下龍灣) Vietnam 2015 - 1 ac 2017-2-3 10:38 02790 ac 2017-2-3 10:38
[Others] Bus Snapshot near MRT Talad Bang Yai Station (曼艾市場) of BKK Thailand 1 ac 2017-2-3 01:06 03349 ac 2017-2-3 01:06
[Others] 中國電巴與泰國電巴 ac 2017-2-2 11:34 43583 ac 2017-2-2 23:36
[Others] Buses in Mawlamyine Myanmar 2016 - Part 3 ac 2017-1-25 10:33 02994 ac 2017-1-25 10:33
[Others] Thailand Bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 11 - Coaches in Pattaya 芭提雅 3 ac 2017-1-24 12:51 02527 ac 2017-1-24 12:51
[Others] Thailand Bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 10 - Intercity Bus from Bangkok 3 ac 2017-1-24 12:36 02814 ac 2017-1-24 12:36
[Others] Thailand bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 9 - Bus Snapshot near Bangkok Palace 2 ac 2017-1-19 00:15 02859 ac 2017-1-19 00:15
[Others] Dennis Dart @ Bangkok attachment 區麗芝 2017-1-16 22:24 45291 petcity 2017-1-18 21:28
[Others] Thailand bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 9-Southern Bus Terminal (Sai Tai Mai) Snap 1 ac 2017-1-13 23:27 03024 ac 2017-1-13 23:27
[Others] Thailand bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 8- Mercedes-Benz OC500LE in SALAYA LINK ac 2017-1-13 22:47 03384 ac 2017-1-13 22:47
[Others] Thailand bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 6 -Snapshot in Victory Monument of Bangkok 1 ac 2017-1-12 23:08 63311 ac 2017-1-13 22:33
[Others] Thailand bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 7-Snapshot near Don Meung Airport 1 ac 2017-1-13 00:51 02426 ac 2017-1-13 00:51
[Others] [Norway] 轉季中的 Bergen attach_img agree fw1321 2017-1-8 22:08 02810 fw1321 2017-1-8 22:08
[Others] Thailand bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 5 - Bus Snapshot near Bangkok Palace 1 ac 2017-1-8 02:31 04612 ac 2017-1-8 02:31
[Others] Thailand Bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 4 - Intercity Bus from Bangkok 2 ac 2017-1-7 18:57 02582 ac 2017-1-7 18:57
[Others] Thailand Bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 3 - Intercity Bus from Bangkok 1 ac 2017-1-6 22:59 03065 ac 2017-1-6 22:59
[Others] Thailand Bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 2 - Coaches in Pattaya 芭提雅 1 ac 2017-1-6 00:40 02927 ac 2017-1-6 00:40
[Others] Thailand Bus 益遊泰國 2016 Part 1 - Red & Cream hotdog bus in Bangkok 1 ac 2017-1-5 23:47 03580 ac 2017-1-5 23:47
[Others] Lao - Thai International Buses 老撾(寮國) - 泰國國際巴士 2016 ac 2017-1-4 00:04 03606 ac 2017-1-4 00:04
[Others] Buses in Mawlamyine Myanmar 2016 - Part 2 ac 2016-12-15 01:06 03022 ac 2016-12-15 01:06
[Others] [Vietnam] Hanoi Bus 2016 - Part 2 ac 2016-12-11 08:26 03085 ac 2016-12-11 08:26
[Others] [Vietnam] Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Bus 2016 - Part 1 ac 2016-11-15 22:40 65382 3asv6 2016-12-10 17:14
[Others] Public bus in Johor Malaysia 2015 - Part 6 ac 2016-12-5 21:59 03029 ac 2016-12-5 21:59
[Others] Accidentally visiting the depot of Mersing Omnibus Johor Malaysia 2015 ac 2016-12-1 04:18 03204 ac 2016-12-1 04:18
[Others] [Vietnam] Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Bus 2016 - Part 6 ac 2016-11-26 21:41 33726 Kachun 2016-11-29 15:35
[Others] [Vietnam] Hanoi Bus 2016 - Part 1 ac 2016-11-29 00:16 02728 ac 2016-11-29 00:16
[Others] [Vietnam] Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Bus 2016 - Part 5 ac 2016-11-22 23:09 04976 ac 2016-11-22 23:09
[Others] [Vietnam] Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Bus 2016 - Part 4 ac 2016-11-21 20:27 04862 ac 2016-11-21 20:27
[Others] [Vietnam] Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Bus 2016 - Part 3 ac 2016-11-17 19:35 03054 ac 2016-11-17 19:35
[Others] [Vietnam] Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Bus 2016 - Part 2 ac 2016-11-16 19:18 04105 ac 2016-11-16 19:18
[Others] Buses in Mawlamyine Myanmar 2016 - Part 1 ac 2016-11-4 23:06 02903 ac 2016-11-4 23:06
[Others] Public bus in Johor Malaysia 2015 - Part 5 ac 2016-11-2 23:54 02921 ac 2016-11-2 23:54
[Others] Rapid KL Enviro 500 MMC - WB5736U on 300 attach_img agree VOLVO‧MV6593 2016-11-1 03:36 04298 VOLVO‧MV6593 2016-11-1 03:36
[Others] BAS SEKOLAH (School Bus) in Malaysia 2015 - Part 3 ac 2016-10-30 11:27 02868 ac 2016-10-30 11:27
[Others] Chinese Buses in Yangon Myanmar 2015 - Part 1 ac 2016-10-10 10:14 33419 JZ3968 2016-10-23 19:35
[Others] BAS SEKOLAH (School Bus) in Malaysia 2015 - Part 2 ac 2016-10-21 10:42 03887 ac 2016-10-21 10:42
[Others] BAS SEKOLAH (School Bus) in Malaysia 2015 - Part 1 agree ac 2016-10-18 22:42 05745 ac 2016-10-18 22:42
[Others] Public bus in Johor Malaysia 2015 - Part 4 agree ac 2016-10-18 22:17 03118 ac 2016-10-18 22:17
[Others] Minibus in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 5 ac 2016-10-17 21:44 02516 ac 2016-10-17 21:44
[Others] Public bus in Johor Malaysia 2015 - Part 3 ac 2016-10-17 21:29 02524 ac 2016-10-17 21:29
[Others] Public bus in Johor Malaysia 2015 - Part 2 ac 2016-10-15 01:26 03689 ac 2016-10-15 01:26
[Others] Public bus in Johor Malaysia 2015 - Part 1 agree ac 2016-10-13 23:45 02974 ac 2016-10-13 23:45
[Others] Minibus in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 4 ac 2016-10-12 23:32 02726 ac 2016-10-12 23:32
[Others] Coaches in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 8 ac 2016-10-12 22:54 02220 ac 2016-10-12 22:54
[Others] 首爾隨拍 basiling 2016-10-11 21:47 02250 basiling 2016-10-11 21:47
[Others] Minibus in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 3 ac 2016-10-10 00:28 02330 ac 2016-10-10 00:28
[Others] Coaches in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 7 ac 2016-10-9 19:59 02173 ac 2016-10-9 19:59
[Others] Coaches in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 6 ac 2016-10-9 17:04 01998 ac 2016-10-9 17:04
[Others] Minibus in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 2 ac 2016-10-9 16:36 02791 ac 2016-10-9 16:36
[Others] Minibus in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 1 agree ac 2016-10-8 00:26 02703 ac 2016-10-8 00:26
[Others] Coaches in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 5 agree ac 2016-10-7 00:20 12103 msdtk755 2016-10-7 19:51
[Others] Vintage classic Hino minibus in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 ac 2016-10-2 14:48 02894 ac 2016-10-2 14:48
[Others] Coaches in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 4 ac 2016-10-2 11:20 02304 ac 2016-10-2 11:20
[Others] Coaches in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 3 ac 2016-10-1 23:10 02261 ac 2016-10-1 23:10
[Others] Coaches in Yangoon Myanmar 2015 - Part 2 ac 2016-10-1 18:59 02405 ac 2016-10-1 18:59
[Others] [LK] 香港過境巴直通斯里蘭卡 attach_img agree BHSE 2016-9-24 11:26 713163 PKD32 2016-9-28 20:28
[Others] Old Mitsubishi Fuso MK117 in countryside of Yangoon Myanmar 2015 ac 2016-9-25 13:37 03302 ac 2016-9-25 13:37
[Others] 韓国ファイバーPRIMUS @ 602 光化門-西小門 basiling 2016-9-17 20:14 02368 basiling 2016-9-17 20:14
[Others] [轉] 馬來亞檳城的ADL E500MMC agree mingsiu 2016-8-16 16:53 44985 Oliver_ME16 2016-8-25 21:13
[Others] [MY] RapidKL Scania K250UB attachment  ...2 SBS9827Z 2014-7-30 01:09 1111036 kmbodth 2014-9-25 04:23
[Others] [MY] RapidKL Iveco Turbocity attachment agree  ...2 SBS9827Z 2014-1-31 09:48 176112 SBS9827Z 2014-2-8 00:08
[Others] 馬六甲BYD之旅 attachment agree  ...2 SBS9827Z 2014-1-26 12:32 135964 PKD32 2014-1-31 21:15
[Others] [馬來西亞] S&S 新巴士 attachment SBS9827Z 2013-12-29 02:05 84376 SBS9827Z 2014-1-26 12:07
[Others] 馬來西亞, 馬六甲的雙層巴士 attachment fp8329 2013-12-22 13:05 34191 PKD32 2014-1-14 22:25
[Others] 雙峰塔下的倫敦巴士 attachment agree SBS9827Z 2013-11-19 11:22 43436 dongfeng 2013-11-20 01:02
[Others] [JB, Malaysia] Benz雙層巴士 attachment fp8329 2013-7-2 22:43 02699 fp8329 2013-7-2 22:43
[Others] [MY] 棺材巴士 agree SBS9827Z 2013-6-23 12:13 84305 volvo2000 2013-7-1 00:41
[Others] [JB, Malaysia] 車頭擺滿毛公仔的巴士 attachment fp8329 2013-6-30 11:36 53227 DN9832 2013-6-30 23:06
[Others] [JB, Malaysia] Causeway Link - LM1 to Legoland attachment fp8329 2013-6-16 22:32 24339 ccicoltd 2013-6-30 13:12
[Others] [MY] 甘榜屋巴士 agree SBS9827Z 2013-6-23 00:50 02312 SBS9827Z 2013-6-23 00:50
[Others] [MY] 柔佛新山 Dennis Lance attachment agree SBS9827Z 2013-6-16 16:25 33953 SBS9827Z 2013-6-17 23:12
[Others] 馬來西亞的Dennis Dart attachment agree fp8329 2013-6-15 18:53 44088 SBS9827Z 2013-6-16 20:16
[Others] [Johor Bahru, Malaysia] 505號巴士 attachment agree fp8329 2013-6-9 11:29 32863 fp8329 2013-6-12 23:55
[Others] [Butterworth, Malaysia] Rapid Penang在北海市使用的車型 attachment fp8329 2013-3-9 21:21 34223 fkteng 2013-4-11 18:00
[Others] [Penang, Malaysia] Rapid Penang在檳城島使用的車型 attachment fp8329 2013-3-12 00:14 12544 89B 2013-3-12 21:36
[Others] [Kampar, Malaysia] 馬來西亞金寶市巴士總站 attachment fp8329 2013-1-19 21:45 45880 89B 2013-2-10 07:16
[Others] [Taiping, Malaysia] 馬來西亞太平市的巴士總站 attachment fp8329 2013-1-13 22:23 23375 fp8329 2013-1-14 23:27
[Others] [Kuala Kangsar,Malaysia] 馬來西亞江沙市的巴士 attachment fp8329 2013-1-13 01:36 02284 fp8329 2013-1-13 01:36
[Others] [Ipoh, Malaysia] 馬來西亞怡保市的巴士 attachment fp8329 2013-1-6 00:26 13208 89B 2013-1-6 19:48
[Others] [Malaysia] Five stars tour - 雙層MAN attachment fp8329 2013-1-5 18:12 33368 93A_S3_6:30am 2013-1-6 00:36
[Others] [Photos] Metrobus company, Kuala Lumpur attachment fp8329 2009-6-19 23:27 22605 abh 2009-6-27 16:31
[Others] Dublin- compare E400 to E500 attachment  ...2 yblumann 2008-5-6 03:56 135885 NV58 2008-5-12 00:59
[Others] 芬蘭夏日 魅力無限 attachment FBI2 2008-4-24 15:00 74002 FBI2 2008-5-7 20:13
[Others] [GB] Big Bus DA6 attachment  ...2 NV58 2008-4-30 03:38 115406 smal 2008-5-1 12:02
[Others] 印度德里巴士 attachment s3m178 2008-4-4 04:29 63053 smal 2008-4-4 23:29
[Others] [世界巴士站巡禮] - 西班牙阿爾赫西拉斯市長途巴士站 attachment 89B 2008-3-7 01:21 02047 89B 2008-3-7 01:21
[Others] [世界巴士站巡禮-08啓動編]-西班牙La Linea市 (往直布羅陀必經) attachment 89B 2008-2-26 06:33 53717 89B 2008-2-27 23:21
[Others] 杜拜購入1,616部新巴士, 打破世界紀錄 attachment toby13031990 2008-2-15 13:53 86373 B12 2008-2-18 01:33
[Others] [ 世界長途客車站巡禮] 芬蘭LAHTI總站 attachment FBI2 2008-1-5 11:56 02100 FBI2 2008-1-5 11:56
[Others] [世界巴士總站巡禮-終極編]--聖誕老人村 attachment agree 89B 2007-12-26 21:51 33300 FBI2 2007-12-27 09:46
[Others] [亞洲巴士特集1-韓國] 首爾Iveco掛接巴士 attachment kmb3asv3 2007-12-26 10:13 23854 kmb3asv3 2007-12-26 19:06
[Others] [亞洲巴士特集1-韓國] 首爾Hyundai巴士 attachment kmb3asv3 2007-12-17 11:49 15516 chai 2007-12-20 23:38
[Others] [亞洲巴士特集1-韓國] 首爾Daewoo巴士 attachment kmb3asv3 2007-12-19 08:36 03449 kmb3asv3 2007-12-19 08:36
[Others] [世界巴士總站巡禮] --坦貝雷(Tampere)長途巴士總站 attachment 89B 2007-12-15 02:34 12492 FBI2 2007-12-15 21:47
[Others] B12BLE in BNE attachment JC3655 2007-12-7 22:06 02053 JC3655 2007-12-7 22:06
[Others] [世界巴士總站巡禮] --赫爾辛基中央火車站 attachment 89B 2007-11-30 02:30 12225 89B 2007-11-30 02:38
[Others] [世界巴士站巡禮] -- 聖彼得堡Glavny火車站外 attachment 89B 2007-11-8 08:10 42828 smal 2007-11-8 22:42
[Others] [世界巴士總站巡禮] -- 巴塞羅那-加泰羅尼亞廣場 attachment 89B 2007-10-8 22:36 12725 FBI2 2007-10-14 10:44
[Others] 曼谷 Iveco 雙層開頂巴士 attachment gakei 2007-10-2 12:08 13041 sunnykam 2007-10-2 23:05
[Others] 【B】比利時 - 布魯塞爾觀光巴士 attachment ej4147 2007-9-24 15:25 44594 iczer3 2007-9-29 19:38
[Others] [世界巴士總站巡禮] --慕尼黑市會堂前廣場(Marienplatz) attachment 89B 2007-9-25 08:35 22753 abh 2007-9-25 18:51
[Others] [Dubai] Citaro Bendis on the road! attachment smal 2007-9-21 02:55 23635 wrightap 2007-9-23 09:54
[Others] [芬蘭巴士]Jyvaskyla的夏天 attachment FBI2 2007-9-13 21:48 13214 sunnykam 2007-9-15 00:11
[Others] [世界巴士總站巡禮] --愛沙尼亞塔林市中心及渡輪碼頭 attachment 89B 2007-9-11 19:48 83808 89B 2007-9-13 23:01
[Others] [SWD] Stockholm city SL bus attachment s3m178 2007-7-28 23:48 33494 89B 2007-8-4 01:35
[Others] 國產巴士搶灘馬來西亞 attachment  ...23 ringo 2007-7-20 23:31 2510374 rainbowbus 2007-7-31 10:35
[Others] [SWD] Arlanda airport > Stockholm city attachment s3m178 2007-7-28 21:47 12303 namenloz 2007-7-29 17:57
[Others] 柏林公交 attachment FBI2 2007-7-21 10:48 22675 ksmbh 2007-7-21 23:23
[Others] 赫爾辛基公交之春 attachment FBI2 2007-7-21 10:58 12576 iczer3 2007-7-21 19:19
[Others] 06年歐遊 – (1/3) 奧地利巴士 attachment kinhang 2007-7-21 01:21 23064 FBI2 2007-7-21 10:44
[Others] 【LI】Liechtenstein Bus【VD】 attachment ej4147 2007-7-11 08:11 12732 AD264 2007-7-16 01:09
[Others] [PT] Carris Museum in Lisbon attachment edhong 2007-7-10 21:37 43112 edhong 2007-7-12 19:33
[Others] [ES] Bus services in León, Ávila and Telodo attachment edhong 2007-7-11 01:07 22299 edhong 2007-7-12 19:30
[Others] [Portugal] Bus service in Coimbra attachment edhong 2007-7-7 20:59 43377 ksmbh 2007-7-11 02:18
[Others] [PT] Signseeing buses of Oporto attachment edhong 2007-7-11 01:13 02564 edhong 2007-7-11 01:13
[Others] [ES] Sightseeing bus of Vigo attachment edhong 2007-7-10 21:16 02616 edhong 2007-7-10 21:16
[Others] 法國里爾巴士數攝 attachment FBI2 2007-7-7 21:23 12575 abh 2007-7-8 15:32
[Others] 挪威及丹麥巴士多攝 attachment FBI2 2007-7-7 21:38 53063 FBI2 2007-7-8 08:48
[Others] 意大利威尼斯巴士 attachment FBI2 2007-7-7 21:29 13189 ksmbh 2007-7-8 02:44
[Others] 【I】Sightseeing bus【Rome】 attachment ej4147 2007-6-26 07:55 53204 hkaiw 2007-6-26 20:10
[Others] Berlin : Citaro LE attachment yblumann 2007-6-26 02:46 01962 yblumann 2007-6-26 02:46
[Others] 花都巴黎巴士<Bus in Paris> attachment ksmbh 2007-6-13 06:23 73639 FBI2 2007-6-17 09:54
[Others] 【CH】掛接 Neoplan【Lausanne】 attachment ej4147 2007-5-29 20:24 12618 namenloz 2007-5-29 21:54
[Others] 杜拜數攝....... attachment digest  ...2 smal 2007-5-8 15:05 1812555 GK9636 2007-5-10 00:55
[Others] 【CH】Volvo 7700 in Bern attachment ej4147 2007-4-24 22:21 02444 ej4147 2007-4-24 22:21
[Others] 【I】B7L in Pisa, Florence, Milan attachment ej4147 2007-4-21 02:17 23461 kmb_gu657 2007-4-22 18:05
[Others] [世界巴士總站巡禮] - 德國法蘭克福機場 attachment 89B 2007-3-9 04:42 22909 89B 2007-3-11 09:18
[Others] 迷你neoplan attachment ksmbh 2007-3-4 03:22 23324 Choi 2007-3-6 02:46
[Others] 【E】迷你 Cito attachment ej4147 2007-2-27 03:01 32616 tommykwan 2007-3-2 02:27
[Others] [世界巴士總站巡禮] 莫斯科經濟成就博覧館 attachment 89B 2007-2-1 22:11 74552 FBI2 2007-2-9 20:31
[Others] 【CH】Volvo 7000 attachment ej4147 2007-1-12 16:47 02603 ej4147 2007-1-12 16:47
[Others] 問有關Neoplan Megashuttle既資料 attachment TankKingEH9697 2007-1-3 04:36 63758 nwfb23 2007-1-4 01:20
[Others] [ADL]747 attachment nwfb1001 2006-11-24 17:27 22169 smal 2006-12-4 22:13
[Others] 【Switzerland】單層掛接 Man Lion's City attachment ej4147 2006-10-22 08:32 12129 wrightap 2006-10-22 08:58
[Others] Berlin- 15m long MANs d/ds attachment yblumann 2006-10-8 18:52 63010 billlmf 2006-10-10 00:02
[Others] neoplan gas bus attachment yblumann 2006-10-8 19:01 02058 yblumann 2006-10-8 19:01
[Others] 3113 on route M37 attachment yblumann 2006-10-8 18:58 01830 yblumann 2006-10-8 18:58


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